DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolIn the Soul Matrix Healing request, is it of value to have after the mention of microchips the added list, “including remote Stealth technologies: radiation weapons, microwave and laser weapons, sonic weapons, scalar weapons, anchor nanochips and other nanotechnology weapons, neurotechnology weapons, cloaking and disguise technologies, radio frequency tracking technologies, radio hypnosis technologies, synthetic telepathy and microwave hearing, CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery,” or will those be addressed by the subsequent inclusion of “all other outside harmful energies?”
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
This broad list, as you felt intuitively, is not truly needed. As we indicated to you, the exception here is to delineate the anchor chips because of their central importance, and they go far beyond the ordinary microchips that are ubiquitous in the environment at this point. So they are a much greater danger and have much more dire consequences from their presence within the individual. The other types of manipulation in this list do fall under the umbrella of the external manipulations, both the manipulation via subconscious programming, which is addressed and the application of external energies of a negative sort and their consequences. So this is incorporated in the general requests to have all such outside influences be addressed with healing and to have protection as well. So this is an example of the complexity in trying to be comprehensive and the fact that, aside from including a list of categories of phenomena, to begin to parse the precise details of many variations and subtypes becomes unwieldy rather quickly and, in fact, ends up potentially limiting what can be done. If the intention is to have what is done on the list only, thinking it is comprehensive, that will not leave any creative latitude for the divine realm to fill in gaps that might be present in the awareness in the practitioner. There may be something very real that is present in their client that falls under a general category but is not within the lexicon yet of the person making the request, and it would be unfortunate to have a healing opportunity be administered in an incomplete way by wanting to be thorough, but wanting precise control over each and every thing that is done, as that can backfire and become restrictive through feeling one has a comprehensive list, and such may not be the case. It, in fact, is rarely the case that humans fully understand anything that they are involved in. It is simply the nature of life, first of all, to not be an expert on anything because the depth of knowledge and possibilities for energy alone are so vast, and when you are dealing with interfering interlopers with vastly superior technological capability, some of which is beyond your current awareness and comprehension, it is naïve to think you can know all about what might be happening and assume you have achieved perfection. You, as a practitioner, know this quite well in having spent years developing your Protocol and adding more, and more, and more all along the way as your awareness grew through working with clients and seeing where gaps persisted in coverage, and then probing into the reasons why and seeing new phenomena that had not yet been appreciated, but were then probed and studied, and eventually added into the Protocol with that greater understanding, to provide a foundation for requesting the removal, adjustment, or healing as the case might be. This current foray into one of the nuances of extraterrestrial manipulation is a good case in point here, showing that there can, at times, be further levels of awareness needed to comprehend more thoroughly a category of phenomenon you need to deal with. So it is good to list all possible categories of discord and sources of negativity, but be mindful of keeping the door open and not be too restrictive with a precise delineation because then the attention shifts to focus on the would-be comprehensive list at the expense of having latitude to extrapolate to additional variations of the theme, and that would be ironic and unfortunate for the clients you wish to help.