DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyIn the Bible, Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus says: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Is Jesus here referring to the dangers of “following the crowd” in taking advantage of perverse incentives because “everyone is doing it?” What is Jesus really saying here? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 2 months ago
This teaching is a key insight about the fallibility of human thinking and choices in a world that is corrupted to be distorted to begin with in ways inimical to health and well‑being, particularly not only in a physical sense but in a spiritual one as well. One of the most important take-home lessons we can emphasize for you, with respect to these questions you are asking, is that these two outcomes are intertwined and inseparable. Your soul needs care and feeding just like the body. If you neglect the spiritual, you will undermine your future, and that will undermine your physical health and well-being as a symptom of that neglect, just as surely as not seeing to the physical needs for healthy nutrition, exercise, fresh air, and sunshine will influence your health and may shorten the lifespan. One of the most important meanings of this biblical teaching is, indeed, the fact so few see and know the true path because most people are corrupted and heading the wrong way. Most problems, even serious ones, are not immediately fatal but begin to erode things over time and create eventually a downward spiral that might become unstoppable. This is the insidious consequence of complacency, being that it is much easier to go along with the crowd and take the easy road in not standing up to evil. The sad reality is that you are not being guided to the correct path effectively because even those who know the truth, because of their inner divine alignment and faith, are misdirected and suppressed to such a degree they cannot be truly effective in helping the lost. Their efforts are constrained and overridden by the many false prophets who entice the unwary with seemingly easy answers and a series of rewards, like the technological trinkets that become an end pursuit in and of themselves and have nothing to do with the growth of the soul.