DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlIn reading how the belief took hold in society that fat in the diet is dangerous, even a cause of cancer, it seems to have been embraced by the government prior to there being solid evidence. The same is true for the belief salt is dangerous and a cause of hypertension. Were either or both of these dietary substances being promoted as dangerous, a disinformation campaign to actually cause trouble by restricting them in the diet when they are in fact essential for health?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is a brilliant insight and serves, as well, to consider the milestones in your life and your awareness as a scientist about the issues at hand, and the development of scientific knowledge and thinking at the time, when these perspectives were promoted. Being conversant with the literature you were quite aware of the gaps in knowledge, the lack of scientific data that ordinarily would be required to promote a massive change in the human diet that could have all sorts of health consequences, including the lifespan itself being at stake. But yet, this is exactly what happened, based on presumptions without corroboration in the form of careful clinical studies. Some provisional remarks were seized upon by members of the Senate and, from there, legislation was formulated and subsequently embraced by the research foundations responsible for cancer research, without a thorough vetting, and without the usual scientific rigor expected to make changes in such sweeping fundamental policies. In both cases, there was a striking reliance on animal data in the absence of any human data that were definitive. The reason for both being embraced as policy, and as dietary recommendations and warnings, were precisely because they served, both of them, to undermine human health by doing the very wrong thing. It is true that anything in excess is unnatural and unhealthy in some way, but the normal human diet achieved even through personal choice, given an array of foodstuffs available, will be to seek variety and not concentrate on a single type of nutrient or an excess of anything, particularly something like salt for which cravings will happen in its absence, but it will become quite noxious taken to excess. As with all things, there is a happy medium. Variety serves to provide what is needed by having intake of all the essential nutrients. With enough regularity, the body will be maintained in a state of balance, but there will not be an unhealthy excess that could have a downside. The body is designed to excrete anything not utilized, and to maintain, in particular, a balance of electrolytes as is present in salt. Again, there is a happy medium, but the consequences of insufficient salt intake are, in fact, more dire than those of excess because the kidneys will be able to accommodate a salt overload unless there is some impairment of kidney function. This highlights why the relentless promotion of low salt intake, avoiding salt is much as possible, to contain blood pressure within normal range has had much greater negative impact than positive. In a person with normal kidneys, there is a modest effect of salt intake on blood pressure. Everything modulates over a range, so the fact one can see an increase does not mean that is harmful. It is the same with everything that is ingested. Blood levels go up for a time, there are physiologic changes in response to the presence of the nutrients, for example, insulin released to contain the increase in blood sugar. This does not mean that blood sugar is inherently dangerous, it is a question of degree, and time of exposure, and the presence of healthy control mechanisms to maintain reasonable rebalancing in a timely fashion. The fact that data are emerging showing that not only are saturated fats not associated with increased incidence of cancer, but rather confer protection against cancer, shows the price that is been paid for a generation of faulty assumptions about the dangers of saturated fat. Both of these campaigns were orchestrated by the Extraterrestrial Alliance through mind control manipulation seeding the thought and impulse within key individuals in a position to be an influence on policy in some way, and taking the merest of data in support of their view. When supported through manipulation of the listeners through mind control manipulation, the agenda was enacted in a partial vacuum and then became the order of the day, and physicians were further impulsed to support the policies, and ingrain those ideas in the thinking of their patients, with a steady mantra to avoid these substances in the diet, or else. This is an example of many types of disinformation that have resulted in harm through maintaining ignorance about dangers, and complacency even when this is pointed out, and it comes to light and becomes quite evident, in fact. The powers that be will be very slow to respond and take any meaningful action. There will be steady complacency and then eventual resistance to the idea of change—a questioning, a backlash, demanding further evidence, and various types of disinformation campaigns to discourage the new ideas from being accepted or considered. This can go on for quite a period of time. This is the way progress has been delayed all through the ages and why so many things have become corrupted across the board. So everything that is beneficial humans enjoy, is contaminated in some way, or corrupted in some way, to bring a negative along with it. This is why sources of energy, the technology of communications, the vehicles of transport, all have major health downside as a side effect of the technologies themselves. The list goes on and on. The most important thing we can say about all of this is not just that the devil is in the details, but the ability to see the details for what they truly are, is always in question because the mind control manipulation creates a state of complacency to accept the status quo, and disregard warnings, and to rarely dig deeper and question the way things are. This is why many negative things happen and increase alarmingly without a hue and cry. Without this subjugation taking place subliminally, there would be a campaign launched with vigor to get to the bottom of things, and find an explanation for problems that were increasing to cause suffering and loss.