DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transition (Crossing Over)In previous channeling sessions, it was stated that we have it backwards—we should celebrate death and be mournful about birth. With that in mind, how can we prepare ourselves upon death to recognize and meet the light callers to avoid becoming an earthbound spirit?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
The very best way to prepare for death is to prepare for a divine future. If you hold expectations of returning to the heavenly light, if your heart is untroubled about this, if the belief is strong that there is a loving divine being who cares about each and every person and wishes them to return to a state of greater closeness, this will do much to prepare everyone for their eventual passing. No one escapes this step. All lose their lives eventually through aging. Everyone needs to consider what will happen next. This is the great tragedy of the secular movement—the abandonment of religion. People do not like its rules, fear its judgments, and are suspicious of the true intentions of the clergy who defend such harsh principles, through their own spiritual knowing that it is not in alignment, and they do themselves a disservice by discarding the whole notion of the divine entirely. That is truly abandoning your lifeline. Therefore, it is quite ironic that the very inner wisdom and insight of many who are spiritual encourages them to turn away from that very spiritual focus which has the only true meaning—the alignment with the Creator, the force of love, and the life force energy it brings to each and every living thing. This is simply reality. To deny reality by deciding there is no God, leaves you all alone. We will continue to support such people with life-force energy because we know they may have a change of heart, and our agreement with them is to let them have their experience. This is the journey that you are all on at the moment—having your time, making your choices, and learning as you go, or unlearning, as the case may be. This is a test of each and every person to see how they choose to navigate their path. Will they leave divine alignment and be lost in a state of disconnection? Will they align themselves with a dark force and cause further damage, both to themselves and perhaps many, many others through encouraging others to break away in a similar fashion? There are many active voices seducing non-believers to feel a kind of pride and a self-righteousness about their intelligence in turning away from what they come to believe as folklore, and then spread these ideas to many others. They are, in fact, working for the annihilation of humanity when they do this. They do so unwittingly, but it nonetheless has its effects. Everyone has a responsibility to conduct their lives according to divine principles. To be in this quandary is what we mean about the misfortune of birth—that you come into such a world having been dragged so very low that it is hanging by a slender thread which is supported solely by those true believers among you who do pray and reach out to Creator with a desire for human betterment. It is those few who keep things going. That is the only reason the world still exists in its present form with humanity on board. The entirety of the human race can be annihilated very, very quickly. This, in fact, has happened before from actions of extraterrestrials. Those same extraterrestrial beings are on your planet today—and their descendants. They are waiting to see how things go in the near term to make final decisions about your fate. Not only do most people not know this but also they would not believe it if you told them. This is not a prescription for a turnaround in alliances and dedication of energy through a mass movement to turn things around for the better. You are coming from behind here in many, many ways. This is not to say that it is hopeless; it is dire. When people are born into the world, they come down from the light knowing all of this. They have chosen to come into a battle of a sort. This is not what we are proposing—to go to war, have casualties and use weapons. That is not what we seek to have happen. We only seek an awakening to divine truth and an embracing of the divine. Humans come down with a spiritual connection, and if they are corrupted by those around them and suppressed, they will lose that connection. It will fade within them along with their remaining intuitive reach. Through propaganda and manipulation, both cultural and technological, they will be the walking wounded who are almost like robots, living lives of ignorance, disconnection, and insensitivity. They are lost to the cause for the time being, at least. Leaving here with death of the physical body is like a combat soldier completing his tour of duty, who then leaves the horrendous scenes of battle, returns home to normal life and the pleasures of the civilian existence, has a reunion with loved ones, and has so many pleasures that were not available in the field. That is the contrast. It is actually an indescribably great one between living as a physical human, which most people prize to some degree or to a large extent, and going back to the light. We are using this question to point out that the contrast between realms is vast indeed, and coming into earth plane is rough duty. It is very much going into a battle that is underway. It is a covert test of wills and a struggle of ideologies which is being assisted on a continual basis by the divine realm. But we will not do it alone; we require humans to step up and take action. That is the choice that they have been given, and every human coming into life knows this—but then forgets. This is putting everyone at a disadvantage, to be sure. So this is not an easy task. Life has many challenges and many pitfalls. Few have ideal circumstances where they are loved, cherished, raised in a healthy way, and given a chance to learn important truths and not be drawn into the misguided teachings of the culture. This makes the rewards seem very, very meager at best. What we would say to you is that the splendors of the divine realm can be experienced in the physical as well. This does not happen currently, because you are not light beings. You are being constrained from being light beings by the suppression of the interlopers who are here. This is what you are fighting for and why you do come down. But it is a sacrifice in many, many respects. However, it is a fight worth winning, as the future will be enhanced dramatically for the better if you are successful.