DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolIn light of my conversation with my student about why her Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions can’t be used to simply clean up everyone in one fell swoop, can you please explain the reach of the Protocol as done by individual practitioners and the interplay of factors involved in how many clients they can group together?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
We have discussed this with you before. There are considerations on both side of the equation. There are easy clients and there are difficult clients with respect to the degree of intervention and its strength needed to do the desired job. There are great differences among practitioners in their belief quotients in the divine and the belief in themselves, for many, many, reasons, including doubts about their safety along the way, creating a mixed intention. So these are all factors going into what takes place in a session and the resulting outcome. When you wish to work on a large group, there must be a very, very, high belief quotient from the practitioner. The resistance of the respective clients will add to the challenge. If these are deeply troubled individuals who need tremendous healing, the overall benefit will be lessened for the group as well. This is simply a consequence of energy, that it will be distributed broadly. It cannot be given to one or another of the easy targets who may be considered as low hanging fruit, so to speak, and then jettison those more difficult ones who would soak up too much of the available energy that is possible to give. The divine realm must spread the benefit equally to all. And so this is a function of the rules as well, in not favoring those we most want to help, or those who are in better shape, and in some way might seem more worthy or more possible to rescue and create a healing for them, whereas others are so deep in a hole they would be quite difficult to salvage or even give a meaningful level of relief, even for a time. We do not prejudge. We answer the call. We go to work and we do our best to do what has been requested. If a healer wants healing for a group, we work on the group and the energy is applied across the board to all to be included. This can indeed dilute the overall benefit to the individual. It is an unfortunate end result, but it is a consequence of working within the rules and the way energy is assigned. it cannot be channeled by applying favorites. So when you do your Protocol work and you want maximum benefit for your clients, it is highest and best to include only those clients within your session and to do another session for a larger group as a separate maneuver, and that will strike a better balance in terms of what will serve you personally as well as your clients, to be recipient of the greatest benefit and value of the effort you expend. We would like things to be different, but this is part of the process involved here. After all, keep in mind you are virtually David in a world of Goliaths, so to speak, and you are wrestling with giants every day in all you do. You need not load the dice against yourself to spread yourself so thin that you will not be seen as effective by too many clients and then suffer difficulty with your reputation. This would hurt you personally and give you great discouragement as well. So we would suggest that rather than increase the scope, you decrease the scope as appropriate, to favor those individuals you need to give the greatest assurance of benefit, and confine your session to a manageable size. So we would suggest that beginners work on a single person and do them one by one. With increased confidence in the Protocol, there is no difficulty in doing a family group at one time. With further experience and confidence yet, it will be straightforward for almost all practitioners to reach a level where they can do a large group of individuals in the range of 10 to 50 at one time, but they need to be stalwart, they need to be very, very, secure in their beliefs in all levels personally, and with respect to divine realm, the expectation of results, the lack of fear in dealing with any of their clients, and the enterprise as a whole. So there is a scale of difficulty involved here and each person will be unique in where they fall on this scale of do-ability, so to speak. And this must be decided by the individual themselves. They cannot be coached or informed upfront about their potential success of future endeavors. So at the time of doing a session, you can ask for guidance and then be given some guidance about this, and that might be effective as well, to check first before embarking on a large grouping. So we see no problem in your doing very, very, large groups, but you yourself might prefer to do those independently; in particular, because your reach is great and the dilution correspondingly great, particularly when you are including so many of the most severe beings in the undertaking. This spreads the resources, and the consequences will be more incremental. So rather than have the incremental consequences extend to your primary clients, the consequences will extend only to the group as a whole. You may think of clever ways to create subsets, and this as well is a good notion, to further increase the influence of a particular session by including those within a certain geographic region, a certain type of circumstance, or interconnection, and you will think of many such possible groupings. This is another way to segment your efforts and thereby increase the effectiveness of each.