DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingIn addition to probing with our recommended questions to learn about problems the deep subconscious is facing, and the limiting beliefs and diminished soul attributes which resulted, what other things of value can be probed when channeling the deep subconscious?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
You can offer encouragement in a direct way for issues and problems of greatest concern and ask the help of the deep subconscious to pull together information that is germane and work with the higher self to prioritize it in a way to bring greater insight and understanding. And then, work on a way to communicate that to higher-level awareness within, perhaps via dream state transference, or while in reverie or prayer, to be shown something intuitively. So in this scenario, the deep subconscious of the self can do the legwork to round up useful knowledge, make comparisons and contrasts, to provide a body of information and knowledge, and with the help of the higher self can form it into a symbolic representation that contains the nucleus of the solution. Then, the only problem is to bring this into conscious awareness so it can be appreciated, grasped, and trigger follow-up to be sure it is remembered and acted upon.