DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersIn addition to changing negative beliefs of harmful organisms, like viruses, you confirmed it is also helpful to request replacement of attributes that would serve to render them harmless and favor their removal from the body. Can you help us understand how even lowly organisms, like a virus, can have potentials akin to soul attributes that contribute to their pathogenicity?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
The place to start the discussion here is to remind those reading these words that everything has consciousness. And as a working corollary to that fact, everything having consciousness has a purpose for being, and as a corollary to that, would be that consciousness will harbor and be in tune with expressing any intentions that can be generated by that consciousness. So all living things have an inner intention and wherewithal to persist, and then to reproduce themselves, in order to propagate their species. This is a necessity because the physical plane works against longevity. There are many, many, things that can go wrong and are points of friction, negative influences, and hazards. And this can lead to the degradation, dissolution, and destruction of life forms, microbes as well as people. Microbial life was created for many reasons, but intended to be in harmony with Gaia, to carry out roles with an ongoing interplay of life forms rising and falling in their numbers and their ability to influence the environment directly. They are always in competition with other life forms and the natural forces of the environment, like the weather, and whether life can continue given extremes in current temperature, and a possible shortage of necessary nutrients perhaps impeding the ability to reproduce. Most such microorganisms are not hazardous because life forms usually have built-in defense mechanisms to prevent microbial attack, and that includes plants as well as animals. Indeed, microbes have defenses against other microbes. The pathogens you have to contend with of the serious nature that are highly virulent, contagious, and highly damaging or even lethal to the body, are ones that have been manipulated to enhance their negative capabilities for causing harm. This has been done by extraterrestrial scientists over billions of years now. Those inner capabilities are fueled by the instillation of new attributes for extending their reach, their grip, and their power to cause harm far beyond what would be native configurations. In addition, the natural intentions to survive and reproduce are manipulated to make them more invasive, more likely to gain a foothold in the body of a living thing, and perhaps evade detection or cause harm so rapidly the damage is done before the immune system can respond fully enough to prevent it. There are a variety of tactics that have been used for what is, in effect, a broad campaign of biowarfare by the dark extraterrestrial species, who prey on other races of individuals, including humanity. So, the intentions of the organism for survival, persisting in whatever environment they find themselves in, and having defenses against their own destruction, are enhanced for an evil aim by the interlopers. Those intentions are akin to beliefs understandable to the mind of a human. They are a kind of belief understandable to the microorganism, even if it is only in a primitive fashion it is nonetheless effective in having a kind of power to direct things and determine the fate, not only of the microbe, but other life forms it encounters and might well harm. The attributes ramping up toxicity to other life forms are quite analogous to what makes humans strong, effective competing with others, and at times, a warrior to attack, defend, and prevail at all costs. On a microscale, this can be optimized through a combination of genetics and biochemistry, as warfare is conducted by pathogens through chemical attack. Having a way to get divine healing to return an organism to its native form, prior to corruption to alter its intentions and attributes making it now a super pathogen, is the ultimate answer for righting the wrongs done to throw things out of balance and perpetuate evil.