DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindIn a recent radio show on Academic Gatekeeping, Creator shared this, “The reality is the biggest part of the mind is unreachable to conscious awareness or even ordinary hypnotic trance procedures.” Can Creator expand on the use of the word “ordinary” in this context? Dr. Milton H. Erickson was no “ordinary” hypnotist. Did ANY of his techniques and methodologies reach and/or influence the deep subconscious, even though he certainly had no complete appreciation of the true reality and nature of what it was he was interacting with?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
When we were speaking of ordinary hypnotic trance procedures, we were referring to what hypnotists do, who only reach the upper levels of the subconscious mind regardless of how deep their subject enters into trance, with application of the variety of deepeners that hypnotists use to take them further into a state of somnambulance. As your channel has researched and discovered, there is yet a deeper level of the subconscious he has termed, "The Deep Subconscious," and represents an unreachable depth because it is disconnected functionally from the upper levels of the mind, both the conscious awareness, and the subconscious mind as probed by hypnotists and scientists thinking of it as the rest of the story, when in fact it is still a surface layer compared to the mind as a totality. For the deep subconscious is the majority of the mind and its capabilities in terms of what you think of as "mind processing capability." It is a superb multitasker and can carry out many, many operations simultaneously, about all kinds of explorations and search and retrieval functions. It is constantly surveying the past as well as the future and the repositories of consciousness, in addition to watching what the conscious level is up to, and all the outside stimuli coming in through the normal senses of awareness, as its main job is to help protect the individual. Because it governs the body, including the emotional responses to things, it has the ability to signal discomfort and concern when there is danger lurking, and it is the major source of emotional problems of a chronic nature. Nothing that Erickson did was able to reach the deep subconscious level, so this was a blind spot because it was constrained by the methodology he used. Your discovery of the deep subconscious was because you could channel the deep subconscious level of the mind, and were able to perceive its isolated status and the lack of awareness of upper levels of the client's mind while you were doing a channeling of their mind, in fact, and even though they might be sitting in front of you, were completely unaware you were talking to the largest part of their mind and carrying out a therapeutic intervention, in fact, none of which was consciously perceived. So this is a gap in awareness by psychologists and psychiatrists, not appreciating that the majority of their patient is unreachable by any of their therapeutic strategies and methods, and is why we have told you that your process for trauma resolution that reaches the deep subconscious mind to not only resolve traumatic events and their consequences emotionally, but do replacement of negative beliefs, and the instillation of soul attributes to restore basic capabilities of the client, will be a revolutionary advancement for psychotherapy.