This is a brilliant deduction and will be rewarded in kind, because it is the key to righting the wrong that has plagued humanity for many thousands of years now, that each new human being is born into a defective body because the deep subconscious is disconnected from the conscious level. Even though it can communicate with the higher self, it is quite feeble in its thinking and reasoning, and will not know the opportunity is simply sitting there to do an outreach and request assistance. This you can provide as a channeler by talking to the deep subconscious of anyone you wish to help, and present a series of principles, guidelines, and instructions for how to reach out in a divine way to receive divine guidance. This will be a tremendous blessing and can result in very solid gains and true breakthroughs in helping people take back the reins and run their lives in a more efficient and productive fashion. Most of the inertia and the inner confusion and the liabilities of the deep subconscious creating negative emotions and chronic stress that so hamper people in their productivity, can be surmounted simply by giving this new empowerment to the deep subconscious. So this can take care of one of the major defects people suffer with from the outset coming into life: the disconnection from the higher self. The inability to transmit knowledge and information directly from the deep subconscious to the conscious level will remain, but the help available to the deep subconscious from higher self can go a long way to restoring equilibrium in many respects, especially because the parallel life traumas loom so large as a source of negativity, dragging down the person’s emotional life and getting in their way subliminally. Once someone develops proficiency in communicating with their higher self, the overall stress will lessen and the burden on the mind overall will be more than cut in half. The fact the deep subconscious comprises the majority of the mind, 70% in fact, means that taming its greatest source of conflict will pay many dividends for overall well-being of the individual.
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