DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerIf people are praying for health and well-being, yet have bad habits that undermine their health, will that behavior block divine assistance to counteract it as, in a sense, to intervene is going against human free will choices?
Nicola Staff asked 2 weeks ago
While this may be disappointing to many, we cannot be your Rock and your Redeemer in all circumstances. And this is built into the rules of engagement for the pact we have with humanity, in honoring your free agency and free will to come and go and choose what you do with your time and your existence during each incarnation in the physical. The Law of Karma is watching everything that happens and will reckon with any energetic misalignment, whatever the cause, to provide a warning and a stimulus to do a rebalancing, and if this is not heeded, will up the ante to arrange a kind of object lesson to enhance the power of the message and this can become quite painful or even fatal. So, praying to us cannot be viewed as having a "get out of jail free card" entitling you to do anything you choose that is risky or which causes self-harm in some way or another. The reason is quite simple: we cannot be a party to wrongdoing, whether you might find it enjoyable and rewarding to do so, or not. Examples would be enabling you to indulge in taking substances of abuse while avoiding their downside, or indulging in dietary excess. The same is true for actions that undermine your welfare with respect to risk-taking and thus exposing yourself to increased likelihood of accident or injury. We must let people experience the consequences of their karmic choices in most cases because we cannot be a party to self-indulgence by preventing adverse consequences. That would encourage continuing and even increasing such behaviors. The deepest understanding of this issue is to consider that humans, as individuals, need to have a partnership with us. In any partnership there is responsibility on the part of both individuals to be responsible, respectful, and supportive of one another. This does not include enabling self-indulgence, just as in any close relationship like a marriage, love does not preclude standing up to mistreatment or dangerous risk-taking by a marital partner because it will put the relationship at risk and potentially damage both individuals if something goes wrong. In a marriage where one's spouse might put their foot down and demand they seek treatment for a drug problem or a gambling addiction, that reflects the power you have on the human side to deal with things taking place in the physical domain. But we are precluded from intervening, even to save someone from themselves except in answer to a prayer or healing requests, and then it must be in a measured way following many rules of engagement and constraints. While at first glance this might seem unduly harsh and all bad news, that we are holding out on you and not giving our all on your behalf in all ways, at all times, we beg to differ. The limits we place on ourselves through our rules of engagement are what allow you your room to breathe and to operate without restriction or limitation, as you wish with full authority and unfettered capability. So, unlike a worried spouse or a nanny, we will not get in your way, for better or for worse. That difference, that latitude, is what constitutes a proving ground for you to demonstrate who you are and what you can become in the degree to which you remain in divine alignment and grow in demonstrating your divinity in the face of temptation. Ultimately, if we cannot intervene to save you from yourself, the Law of Karma may provide an object lesson. But you are not without assistance if you, yourself, request it. When invited to help, there is much we can do with regard to guidance, inspiration, healing, and protection. You are never alone but you must understand how to navigate and how to cultivate a partnership with us for greatest benefit and effectiveness, and especially how to serve your self and your soul journey in cultivating wisdom and discernment of your own.