DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialIf divine humans are like children, surrounded by far more advanced beings, was there not perhaps a safer or kinder way to explore a free will project or endeavor where we were not so vulnerable to more experienced and powerful negative influences?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago

Humans were created knowing there was a full array of possibilities and a broad spectrum of potential experiences and outcomes. That is inherent with the duality of positive and negative, inherent with the makeup of the realm you occupy. We understood there could be serious corruption and serious interference and manipulation by other beings from other realms because this has happened in the past, prior to the existence of the current divine human cohort. But all involved in the enterprise currently, as well as previous iterations, have believed in its potential and wanted the experience.


You cannot have perfect safety and a perfect existence because perfection that is created, and must then remain static, is a world of limitation and, ultimately, not satisfying because it leads to sameness and lack of contrast. And in that setting, even a wondrous and joyous existence will become bland and ordinary over time because there is no reference point that defines this for you. It is becoming so accustomed to certain situations and experiences that they lose their meaning and power to affect you and appreciate emotionally, because there is an acclimation to that state of being and, as a consequence, it becomes ordinary, and to be expected, and will lose its grandeur.


It is only through having the widest possible array of outcomes that one truly can learn to appreciate what one has, particularly on the positive end of the spectrum. So everything has a purpose and that is what makes it real, that is what makes it serious and important. It is because things can become difficult and things can fail that they have the great value inherent in them when one is successful in the end. If that happens, the rewards are correspondingly much, much greater because of all that was surmounted or avoided through careful planning, through taking great care and working in a consistent, dedicated fashion to solve any ongoing problems and make success happen despite the hazards.


A race of a few steps holds little reward. It is taking on serious challenge and great personal risks that leads to an outcome of distinction and true greatness. It is not the glorification of suffering, or to reward evil as a goal, but only to recognize that in the full spectrum of potentials there must be darkness as well as light. It does not have to be the majority of one’s experience or more than a small percentage in order to register its meaning. That will matter and will be of benefit in the end for all who take on the challenge. It will leave you with a much greater sense of accomplishment to have been tested by the fire, so to speak, and prevail.