DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaIf a woman cannot conceive, what are the likely causes? Are the causes typically a karmic condition, or is it also sometimes due to outside influence from dark spirits and/or malevolent extraterrestrials?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
There are times when dark spirits can interfere with reproduction. This is not common, but it can happen, as they have the ability to manipulate a number of body systems. This they would do through karma and the legacy of karma. That is what would give them the idea and the incentive to focus their efforts to that end. With someone who has a karmic history of difficulty with childrearing, this can repeat itself in subsequent lifetimes and be expressed through the inability to conceive. This can be in part a subconscious desire in order to avoid a grievous loss that was experienced in a prior life. One example would be the case of a loving mother whose cherished infant dies, leaving her bereft, and then perhaps experiencing this again and again, at which point she makes a vow to never put herself in that position—to rear another child only to see its life snuffed out through illness, for instance. That desire can become a compelling energy of karmic wounds that follows her from life to life and results in infertility. Times obviously have changed and most infectious diseases of children can be either prevented or treated successfully. There need not be such severe fear as to avoid becoming pregnant when other conditions are favorable. This is an example of karma in action that can be healed through a healer adept in working with the karmic energies and potentials to restore things to a neutral status once again. This is quite doable, and in fact, we will use this example to open the topic of karma as THE major overwhelming cause of all physical illness. Illness does not exist because of present circumstances alone, including all of the other influences—diet, environmental insults, and the genetic complement of the parents. It is karma primarily that determines the emergence of a diagnosable physical illness. This is the end consequence of much prior human experience going wrong in one way or another to create harm to the self or harm to another that needs to be rebalanced. There may be a payback of some kind with infertility where a mother was negligent and caused harm to her young—or abandoned them—and then in a future life is deprived of that joyous experience that she now wishes to have. This is one way to repay the harm that was done. But this is not the most frequent reason; it is a minor cause. For the most part, the karma has to do with the prior suffering through a personal loss of some kind. This points out the need for deep, deep healing in many, many, ways as the most pressing concern and benefit available for the use of time and resources, including financial, to heal the soul and all of the karmic debts one can. Because they do not disappear or fade in time, karmic debts travel from life to life until they are satisfied. This is the way the universe stays in balance, because everything has consequences and is utterly predictable. It is no different than the laws of physics operating uniformly time after time, after time. Karma is more complex, only because it is a confluence of many dozens, to hundreds, to thousands, to millions of energies all contributing. There are contributions from culture, from history, and from all of the genetic makeup, including the other influences that are energetically through consciousness of the family lineage. This all conspires to perhaps create conditions unfavorable to someone successfully rearing their young, leading to a tragic loss of a young life, and then adding pain on top of all karmic predisposition to make that a difficult undertaking. This is a very complex interweaving of energies. The point we would say about this is—this is healable. The condition of infertility is by far better dealt with through karmic repair than an artificial attempt to create a child by artificial means through a type of cloning, in-vitro-fertilization, or the combining of genetic material from others, and so forth. This does change karmic destiny in many ways and will create an uneven platform for new life coming in. The human technological solutions very often bring with them an equivalent downside to the repair of a problem or dilemma of some kind. We are not here to blame or to instill fear, but there needs to be a growth in awareness of the karmic potentials and the karmic consequences to every undertaking. That is key.