DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindIf a belief is validated by direct experience, it seems such a belief would be difficult to alter. But is this in fact true? Can such beliefs be readily altered by mind control manipulation? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 7 months ago
This is an extremely important likelihood and one of the hardest things to understand and accept we can share with you because it goes against your nature to learn you are not the freethinking independent being you believe to be. You are actually, in effect, a slave in a slave world heavily suppressed and subjugated in all kinds of ways including being bombarded relentlessly with propaganda of all kinds, both of a general sort that will trigger thoughts and feelings and grow new beliefs as a consequence, especially within the deep subconscious as well as, many times, individually targeted messages. These can be delivered by extraterrestrial psychics directly into the minds of their victims. It is in this way people are groomed to become minions of the darkness, by exploiting their karmic history and tendency to have a tolerance for violence, for example, or rule‑breaking when it is in their best interest. Such individuals can be groomed to become agents provocateur, troublemakers, criminals, predators of various sorts and predilections, and even assassins. You can see from this description that such extremes of distortion of a human being are typically far from being chosen by the person but are inflicted by an external manipulation cleverly tailored to work on weak spots and vulnerabilities to gradually worsen things, lower barriers, loosen constraints and self-control and, through conditioning, create individuals to become operatives who can be tasked with clandestine troublemaking. In a sense, they become capable of committing the perfect crime because if instructions are given to the deepest level of the mind and it takes control and brings about a desired end result, like an attack on someone, that might well override conscious choice and will leave that perpetrator in a true dilemma, in facing the music if they are caught, because they may have no awareness whatsoever of why they took the actions they did, and it may not always even be in their memory, consciously. This is why it is called Mind Control Manipulation—it is not something that can be ignored by the victim, because they are truly in the grip of evil, and it is only a question of level of vulnerability and the amount of priming needed to get a particular end result that determines to what extent someone is pressed into duty for the darkness and becomes complicit in wrongdoing that goes against their normal character.