DWQA QuestionsCategory: Allan KardecI have been told twice by a psychic medium that I was Allan Kardec in a previous life, who founded the Spiritist Movement that is still active around the world today. For the record, is that true?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
This is entirely true and, as you discerned in reading his books, you were struck by the parallels of his having highly similar interests and coming from a background where he was interested in scientific perspectives and became fascinated with the paranormal and the spirit realm, and devoted himself to exploring this and extending knowledge in meaningful ways and cultivating a number of psychic mediums so he could connect to spirits and talk with them and learn from them their agendas, and gain an overall picture of the various interesting phenomena one encounters in reaching out beyond the self with an ability to channel other consciousness. While he was not a channeler himself, the help he got from others who could connect to the beyond gave him a wide array of important clues and direct evidence that the spirit realm is highly varied in the beings it contains and their agendas as well, and this includes some who are lofty but many who are not, and this explains many paranormal phenomena, ghosts and apparitions, for example, that might be intrusive, menacing, and even destructive depending on the particular circumstances and the nature of the spirit being present. So it is interesting to see how your interest in helping people with emotional problems using scientific tools and perspectives allowed you to parlay training in hypnotherapy, and experimenting in applying this approach to talk with spirit attachments within people as a means to help them return to the light and free their host from the consequences of having a troubled consciousness intruding in their energy. Rather than seeing this as just another oddity, you became quite intrigued and dived in quickly in mounting a relentless quest to learn more and to expand your capability for assisting these troubled beings and finding out many, many details about the spirit realm, the kinds of spirits present, with a precision and the help of the divine realm to put things in perspective in a way that truly extended the work of Allan Kardec in your prior incarnation. And in addition, having used hypnosis for past life regression work and seeing many validations of the reality that people have lived before and can access memory of this many times with a little help to achieve the right state of consciousness for this retrospective exploration, you have reaffirmed what Allan Kardec believed and was active in promoting in his day about the reality of reincarnation as the ongoing paradigm underlying the human life experience, that you are not forming uniquely from the gametes coming together from your parents and growing into an embryo and then a fetus to constitute a brand new human being, but rather that is simply a vessel for your expression in a physical form of consciousness from your soul level that has made the incarnation journey many times before. And this you have expanded considerably, starting with a belief in and a demonstration again and again of the reality that past lives are in almost everyone’s history but they are also highly meaningful because they say much about the makeup of the individual, skills they might possess that carry over in the current life, and where they are from if prior lifetimes cultivated their development. And more importantly, sources of difficulty in the current life are often traceable to trauma from other lifetimes that was unhealed and continues to rumble in the current life and, indeed, gets stirred up many times actively through an intervention by interlopers working against human wellbeing and happiness. So you are adding greatly to the avenues explored as Allan Kardec to greatly enhance his contributions with greater detail, refinement, and practical applications through tools you have helped to create through your ingenuity and scientific creativity, enabling the divine to reward you with much validation and confirmation of your intuitive insight about many details concerning human wellbeing, malfunction, and ways to heal it by providing a means through the divine realm to do extensive repair of the karmic traumas in other lifetimes, and bring both the client and the universe back into better balance through the healing restoration accomplished using your Lightworker Healing Protocol as a comprehensive healing tool to save and heal humanity.