DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersHuman papillomavirus vaccination has been linked to occurrence of an autoimmune brain disorder, anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor encephalitis, and that form of encephalitis has been observed to occur shortly after Covid-19 vaccination as well. Are these outbreaks of unusual autoimmune symptoms actually being produced by a contaminating virus inserted into vaccines surreptitiously?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
Your discernment, as usual, is keen and your intuition serving you nicely, in seeing the clues here. Once you understand the widespread scourge that chronic virus contamination represents, it is not hard to see the handwriting on the wall with observations as described in your question, knowing that vaccines are increasingly contaminated with viruses. The interlopers enjoy the irony that an intended medical benefit to promote a state of immunity and protection from pathogens has been commandeered surreptitiously to become a vector for disseminating pathogens in human society. People will one day be horrified to learn that something they counted on for improving human health was perverted to become a tool of the darkness to bring about chronic illness and undermine well-being and longevity, in many cases. That is the case here. These observations are direct lines of evidence of what we have been telling you, that things have reached the point where it is unsafe to use a vaccine of any kind. The Extraterrestrial Alliance is pulling out the stops to create as much poisoning of the human environment as they can. Again, the agenda is to thin the herd. When they take a break and leave for a time, they are counting on all the damage they have done to continue being a serious headwind dragging down human society and this will help down the line, when they return to carry out the human annihilation, if humanity continues to weaken because of their handiwork.