You can apply this term to the state of enlightenment. It is thought of more as a place by some and by a thought or state of being by others. We regard the two as interchangeable because enlightenment is, in its highest meaning, in a sense, being connected very directly with Creator of All That Is, so it is, in a sense, something you could consider as being within the heavenly realm and sharing existence with Creator directly. This does not mean to be in Creator’s direct presence in every moment but having the capability to do so because one is able to be in harmony with Creator’s vibration and that is the password or key to the kingdom, so to speak, in allowing it to happen.
This is the meaning of being worthy of the divine in an ultimate sense. All are worthy as soul‑based beings. The state of being can vary if corruption has taken place. This is why not all make their way back with ease to the divine realm when they pass from the physical. If they are in a low vibrational state they may be trapped in the lower astral plane and then must receive some healing assistance in order to regain a higher vibration required for their deliverance back to the light. This is not a judgment or an exclusion decided arbitrarily by Creator but is determined by the person themselves and the state of being they have allowed to develop during the course of their life.
So reaching nirvana is the cultivation of the divine partnership in the true sense. Those who have embraced the idea of being disconnected from the material are missing the point. There is an act in which the spirit leaves the material behind on physical death and moves into a spiritual realm but that is not the desired destination. It is a transitional environment and a waystation with the true goal being a return to Creator’s world and experiencing the partnership with the divine directly. So it is not an isolated world of one’s making through rising above the material with no other objective than to not be dependent on material needs. That, in the end, will be an empty exercise and substitutes one kind of lack for another.
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