DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AgendaHow thoroughly is the extraterrestrial agenda determined and controlled by artificial intelligence?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
It is ironic that the extremely advanced extraterrestrials, in all but worshiping their technology, prize it almost equal to their own ego and its perspectives as they value themselves above all else. That selfish nature does not prevent them from seeking ways to gain further advantage to carry out their desires and maintain their personal security and hold on power. So they have used artificial intelligence extensively to maximize the efficiency of things, and this is as much to protect themselves from criticism by deflecting blame onto the system they rely on, and this helps to prop things up. There is already plenty of personal invective, judgmental thinking, blaming of one another, both because they can't help being hypercritical but also because they gain power by taking power away from others, so any criticism they can make will be perceived as working to their advantage. By lowering others it raises themselves, in their distorted way of thinking. That is, in effect, a departure from divine alignment and will have an impact on them vibrationally, but that is outside their awareness so they will fall prey to what is, in effect, a diminishment in relying on artificial intelligence for much of what takes place, because it traps them in a lowered state of being, albeit with high efficiency and a kind of effortless way to control and guide things to keep things running smoothly. As with all their technologies, it has caused them to slip further and further from divine alignment. Like an addiction with a powerful opiate bringing pleasure and anesthetizing a person from any discomfort, technological prowess feels rewarding and produces a tangible benefit that is a kind of addiction that, in the end, will diminish, because individual soul-based beings in such a world will be able to take less and less personal credit for things that are done when so much traces back to their system of artificial intelligent control. Even though it is advanced and highly capable of monitoring and analyzing vast amounts of information and coming up with reasoned conclusions that can have practical value to making things work, it is soulless and nondivine in its very essence and will always be deficient. No matter how sophisticated and extensive its reach, it will not incorporate divine principles until those are perceived and desired by the extraterrestrials themselves so they can add that into the programming. This is their dilemma; they have not seen, so far, this blind spot nor will it likely occur to them. That is what human healing is needed to do on their behalf, to help reconnect them to their divine origins.