DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsHow much of the power of persuasion is a product of divinely bestowed soul attributes, versus a learned skill that one acquires through trial and error over many lifetimes? If a learned skill, how is that skill transferred from lifetime to lifetime? Is it recorded in the akashic records and made part of cellular memory during the fetus’s formation? Or is it something wholly spiritual in nature, retained by the spirit itself, and if one learns the power of persuasion while incarnated, are their newly discovered persuasive powers on display in the light between lives as genuine learning? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 22 hours ago
Your question presupposes your life in the physical is the sum total of your existence to date, expressed in one way or another with opportunities to learn, grow, and perhaps have some of the gains carry over into a new incarnation to make the next life more worthwhile, effective, and successful. In the first place, you are in a diminished mode as a physical being, living as a mere shadow of your soul with only a small portion of your true capability available to you. So you are much greater than you know and have a much vaster array of skills, abilities, talents, and accomplishments than will ever be reflected in your life from human achievement. You are here to solve a problem and, in the doing, must work at a handicap, being constrained, diminished, and corrupted as well with a faulty culture and many dark influences manipulating your world and seeking to manipulate you also, to undermine things, get in your way, and overwhelm you ultimately. The purpose of this is to reckon with the largest of problems that exists within the universe, and that is the rise of evil within your galaxy. That is why you were created, to, in a sense, become a first responder to reckon with wrongdoing. So what we are saying at the outset here is that the issue of how you deal with adversity is not only an important life skill with a myriad of choices in how to go about it, with penalties and liabilities if you fail, it is the very essence of your role and will determine your future from here on out, to the degree you are successful in overcoming the enormous obstacles you face each time you incarnate as a physical human. The larger issue is, you are facing an enemy wanting to diminish, subjugate, and suppress you severely, and ultimately do you in. Keeping afloat, let alone being able to swim about in this ocean of negativity and malevolence, is no small thing. If you only have ordinary human concerns, you are truly blessed. Even if your life is a challenging and unrewarding one, you at least have the opportunity to participate and will learn from it, but more is expected of you than your personal success and happiness. You are here to serve the whole, not only those close to you, your family and friends, and not just the wider community you belong among but the whole of existence. Things are not set up to be ideal. The learning is largely denied you because you start out life in a state of ignorance, largely, other than your soul potential on board, but without a conscious awareness of all that has come before, who you are, why you are here, what you are up against, and what you need to accomplish to survive as well as reach the broader goal charted for you through your creation. You must start from scratch as an infant and relearn everything in each new outing. That is a tremendous liability to begin with. You know far more as a lightbeing than you will learn while incarnated except for the issue of adversity and how best to manage it—that is the fundamental challenge that is unique to your physical realm. The challenges of being a physical living organism in a harsher environment than faced as a lightbeing, coupled with those limitations, and surrounded by the darkness ever-encroaching and seeking your destruction, you will have ample tests of your resolve and capabilities to hold your own, to prevail, and to make a mark and leave an influence on things, hopefully for the better. You will need every ounce of strength, ingenuity, passion, and dedication you can muster. The developing fetus loses, bit by bit, the direct link to the divine realm via the higher self. There is literally a kind of separation functionally, from being spirit as a lightbeing, to being enclosed within the body of a physical being that is dysfunctional because the levels of the mind have a major disconnection, and there is no possibility of direct communication between the largest part of your consciousness and what you are aware of through the workings of the brain and the upper subconscious and conscious levels of the mind you know about. So the biggest dilemma is not lack of knowledge, and how much might carry over from life to life, it is your dilemma of being a kind of prisoner within your own body where your mind is held hostage through disconnection. We have described this and you have probed to discover it as the Deep Subconscious, but it is the key to understanding the human dilemma, why it is so difficult to make sense of things, even to control one's own feelings, which are often mysterious with emotion coming out of nowhere, either in overreaction to something or a state of chronic anxiety, for example, without a logical basis many times, and what is happening is you are out of touch, in a sense, with reality but do not understand this. So the dilemma of power and control over your own being starts within you. Each person has their own personal contest because you are needing to persuade yourself to overcome inner obstacles and create goals and incentives, a kind of reward and punishment prescription, to help stay motivated and see to obligations that make sense to you, and become important, and will play a fundamental role in whether you will be happy or not as your life unfolds. So there, indeed, is a learning gap that not only causes you to start from behind and learn and relearn everything you need to know as a human, you in many ways are a stranger to yourself and must relearn who you are. This is not natural but a purposeful diminishment you have been subjected to and adds to the importance and the urgency in gaining mastery of things through life skills.