Both are in play and in addition, some of the karma is owing to the great significance for her of being in reproductive mode as this has been a primary focus that is imprinted on her because she has been in service to the Extraterrestrial Alliance again and again and again, to be a broodmare, so to speak, for the hybrid program of the alien Greys. So she has been impregnated many, many, times and had fetuses harvested. This is always accompanied by reassurances of the importance for her of nurturing and raising young and that she is serving humanity in assisting in this way. This has often reawakened many karmic impulses from prior lifetime experiences where the maternal instincts were in high gear through having normal children, and doing and having the surgery for performing a hysterectomy was pulling the rug out from under those past dreams and karmic triumphs of joy and bringing it to an end as well as, to the subconscious way of thinking, ending the possibility of further service to humanity, according to the inner programming instilled by the extraterrestrials.
The reality is they do not need her uterus to do this, but the eggs that were harvested were of importance for the hybrid creation, so this does end her usefulness for breeding functions across the board and is very unsettling emotionally. So to benefit her, she will need a Protocol session and will ideally have subconscious channeling to resolve the inner subconscious conflicts about the impact of the hospitalization and surgery. These karmic influences were heavily triggered further by spirit meddler attachments that seized on the awakening of the inner discord to compound it and worsen things, so this combination of healing steps will be extremely valuable, including a Soul Reset.
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