DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersHow much does the Alliance manage and control interstellar commerce, as opposed to simply plundering and taking what they want, whenever they want it? Is dealing with the Alliance a lot like dealing with the Empire depicted in the Star Wars movies? Where “deals” can be altered at the whim of the Alliance? “I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it further,” is a famous Darth Vader line. Can Creator comment?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
That is a good model of the attitude and lack of ethics of the Extraterrestrial Alliance membership; they are tactical but they are savage and heartless in their dealings; they will always move to take advantage of another party; they might not move to use violence at the outset, it is more interesting to proceed cautiously but incrementally to size up their opponent, learn something about their culture and how they do things. This can have advantages for their own growth at times when there is novel awareness and knowledge of things from another civilization, but once they have harvested anything useful and, in effect, coerced and stolen anything of value, they have little interest in allowing it to exist. They might leave such a world alone for a time to recover and replenish stockpiles only for the Extraterrestrial Alliance to return and plunder them again. So this creates a bleak existence of intermittent savagery and setback for many worlds who are sitting ducks and vulnerable to the predations of these advanced extraterrestrials and their evil intentions. Such worlds have little to look forward to but this treadmill of exploitation and suffering at the hands of their overseers; they are, in effect, a slave colony. That is true for the Earth as well, even though it is done clandestinely from behind the scenes, you are all slaves nonetheless and part of a grand manipulation to toy with you and to bleed you dry and eliminate you through a steady drumbeat of harsh manipulations. Everything truly bad in the world can be traced to their doing, including the so-called natural disasters, even volcanoes and earthquakes. While those can happen, they are truly rare unless the Earth’s mantle is disrupted through extraterrestrial technology. All the extremes of weather are due to modification by extraterrestrial technology. Hurricanes and tornadoes are solely a product of advanced extraterrestrial technologies and not natural weather at all. Any extreme causing great misfortune and death, whether from cold, heat, fire, rain, lightning, hail, wind, are all an extraterrestrial manipulation to whip things into a frenzy and make it much more sustained than would happen naturally—that is part one of the game. Part two is they will see to it that all of these adverse circumstances from the cultural worsening of your institutions, education, healthcare, and jurisprudence to the many microbial scourges that are really alien biowarfare attacks, it is all an intentional worsening of things to make fun of you, to delight in how it disrupts things, destroys your progress, and dashes hopes and dreams for a better life. This vast manipulation is the measure of their depravity in using their power for evil.