DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyHow much does past life trauma stemming from being a member of the wrong consensus, play into people’s current perceived need to be in the “right” one today? The right one being the “safest” one, perhaps?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
The need for safety is a very high priority for most individuals and, indeed, the karmic history will have a lot of influence on the level of comfort people feel in the moment in the current life. If their deep subconscious mind is looking at akashic records of lifetimes of mayhem and tragic loss through being discriminated against or perhaps taking a stand with a consensus group and then being killed for it, that heritage will have an influence on their current existence and will up the ante, making the whole experience of living seem more treacherous and much more stressful than it needs to be, but this is because the largest part of their mind has an eye on the downside, that there are so many warring factions, and this makes things less certain and seems to pose a great threat to the individual. All too often, that proves to be justified when people attack one another, even just through social media, and the condemnations fly and the arguments grow heated with finger-pointing and name-calling and worse. This is ginned up by the interlopers to keep the pot boiling, and unfortunately, people are suckers for this because they are highly sensitized already through past trauma to expect the worst. They have lived it again and again, and can see it is likely to come again—the hard times, the competition, even warfare, but certainly people may be attacking them personally and put them at risk through interfering with their ability to make a living and have financial security and stability, and to protect their loved ones, especially the young, from harmful experiences that will be life-altering trauma. This greatly raises the stakes and the likelihood people will be damaged simply in living among others who differ, so this again points to the need to "get it right," to choose wisely one’s consensus group to belong to, and what to represent to the outside world as one’s identity. This is most unfortunate because, again, this is all a kind of folly. In a just and free world, which was Creator’s intent, people could choose to be and do and say and look like whatever they chose, because it matters not who is pink, purple, brown, or green, or even if they hold differing views on many, many subjects and take little interest in what others think or care about but have needs and ideas, likes and dislikes, of their own. That is only natural in a world filled with true diversity of soul-based characteristics. So that reality, that people will be different from one another, does not mandate through any stretch of logic that they must find a particular tribe like them to belong to and begin to resist others who differ. It is all well and good to spend time with people who think alike. That will be quite stress-free, but will also be less stimulating and invigorating because there is much growth possible from being challenged, and have someone who thinks differently to perhaps open you up a little to see that you have perhaps had a bit too narrow a focus to appreciate the value in a greater variety. That can be a healthy thing if you are not threatened but simply willing to listen—that is the piece that is missing in today’s world—people are too afraid and too sensitized by all the slings and arrows flying about to be truly open and allowing and sharing of their own inner thoughts and feelings. That is because of the divisiveness that has been engineered to keep everyone in separate groups disliking and arguing with one another, if not fighting outright.