DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialHow long will it take for Earth to ascend—blink of an eye, minutes, hours, days, or years?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This will be a matter of days because we expect human ascension to happen over a period of months and not years. So the planet will ascend accordingly, with increasing energy over time proportional to the human population making that transition and transformation. Aspects of Gaia will ascend first to create a kind of landing zone for humans who ascend to gather in their new habitat. It will be a time of tremendous jubilation and rejoicing by all, because all will be fully aware of all the hard work they have contributed to for thousands of years, in reaching the triumphant victory it will represent. Because you will, in the act of ascension, be graduating from your learning in the physical plane, tasked with the most difficult of challenges ever, to solve the problem of evil of such magnitude it has corrupted the entire Milky Way Galaxy and numerous worlds, many no longer in existence because of predation and the destructive acts of the Extraterrestrial Alliance.