DWQA QuestionsCategory: High Level Psychic Attacks, CursesHow is the other healer she hired able to help clear her and bring relief on occasion from her psychic attacks? She is terrified because he is in the hospital and unavailable for a week.
Nicola Staff asked 8 months ago
This individual is using strong personal intentions and energy for clearing negativity and this can be effective, at least for the short term. It will also be witnessed and resented by the dark spirits who are meting out this punishment of the victim as well as by the humans who are launching the psychic attacks, both directly in casting spells and indirectly through those dark spirit attachments, to spur them on in causing intense pain. There was a strong effort done prior to this individual becoming unavailable, wanting to leave her in good shape so that she might get through the interval of his unavailability better than otherwise. This has backfired in making things worse because of the large-scale backlash that was triggered to happen. So her bringing in this individual, which we understand, given her desperate situation and high level of suffering, has actually made things worse. We will do what we can given the circumstances. The deep healing is still very much needed and will continue but under these circumstances it will be more difficult to give her the experience of a lessening, because there is a kind of contest going on now, a kind of arm wrestling and the darkness is wanting to triumph here and is working avidly to fight back against the healing.