DWQA QuestionsCategory: Animal IssuesHow is my client’s dog [name withheld] doing with the crisis from his advancing cancer, and how can we help at this point?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
His dog has passed and he is now transitioned into the light. This is not a failing of yours, or ours, but was the dog’s choosing. There is a higher wisdom that applies when animals decide it is time for them to leave and they may well use an illness to bring this about. The pain that may accompany the infirmity that is the vehicle of their liberation becomes a worthwhile sacrifice to achieve the objective. The worsening of the tumor was a further karmic cleansing in action, as the increase in tumor growth was offsetting, through absorption, the difficulty of the owner. This is what the companion animals do. They give of themselves and will sacrifice their own lives to help their humans. This is not a reason to feel guilty, but rather to rejoice that your life has been touched by such a divine being so devoted to you it would give up its own life to serve you and your happiness. While you have lost a great friend, for the time being, he is thriving and enjoying returning home to his many other friends and loved ones of old, who he is catching up with even as we speak.