DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit PossessionHe has been diagnosed with narcolepsy and couldn’t sleep alone as a child until he was 12 years old. Are these issues due to spirit meddler attachment influence?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Both of these phenomena are related to the consequences of spirit possession. A cardinal sign of spirit attachment by the meddlers is interference with sleep and causation of nightmares. Fear of going to bed altogether, fear of the dark, fear of being alone, and so on, have a reason and this is typically the inner awareness of the deep subconscious mind it will be attacked in the night and wants to avoid a return engagement. It cannot tell the conscious level of the mind why it has such fear, and this is the dilemma humans face. They cannot connect to all levels of their mind and have a discussion about things and really be informed about how things are going on all levels. This leaves people quite vulnerable when the deep subconscious can only trigger the emotions, as with a stress response, if it is being threatened, but that is too nonspecific a message to lead anywhere other than adding to discomfort and fear on a conscious level, that is associated with bedtime in the case of this client. So these phenomena are simply dismissed as a consequence of children being immature and feeling vulnerable from their lack of life experience when, in fact, it is the opposite—they are experiencing the reality life can be menacing and cruel in the presence of interlopers with a vicious nature and ability to harm them. When children are not listened to by their adult caregivers, this only adds to the stress to make the children feel helpless and, in fact, that is simply reality given the state of ignorance of human culture about this menace.