DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlHe asks: “Will karmic healing by the LHP alone be enough to heal those affected by ‘Peter Pan Syndrome?’ Will taking on responsibilities gradually, talking therapies, and encouragement be an effective treatment?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 5 months ago
All of these strategies can have some degree of benefit depending on the individual in question. People vary widely in their degree of subjugation and their openness and willingness to change. Sometimes they just need someone to confront them and present a rationale for a change in perspective and a reordering of priorities. Those are the lucky ones who get a kind of wake-up call and can respond because they are not too far gone. The majority will not be so easily dislodged from their complacent perspectives because it becomes a mindset, a learned perspective and way of thinking based on inner beliefs that are cultivated to govern behavior. Once that takes place to a sufficient degree, it is quite difficult to get people to change through any kind of talk therapy or a talking to by perhaps a loved one concerned about their lack of progress in life. The ultimate answer is divine intervention. The best tools you have for this are the protocols, the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, but they are not instant cure-alls. Divine healing is a slow enterprise because the aliens have you in their grip and they have free will and free agency, just like you do, so it is difficult for us to rein them in just because it will benefit humanity, even though you are more deserving. This is a complex equation in the balance of forces. What is needed is for humanity to be awakened so they can rise above the complacency enough to seek help. If enough humans were to do that, we could turn the tide here and rather easily. The problem is too few human beings are paying attention or availing themselves of divine assistance which is the only true answer that will make a difference.