DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceHe asks: “To what extent do tooth issues and tooth decay reveal an underlying energetic link to other organs or parts of the body that are unbalanced or experiencing toxicity? Is it better or more beneficial to also target healing for the underlying linked organs or stresses in the body the teeth could be showing us, a window to the inside per se, perhaps before a problem inside the body becomes much worse?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
There are many interconnections energetically with the energies of the cells and tissues and their consciousness, so there are many opportunities where a looping of negative energy from a distant site might convene on the teeth and trigger some kind of weakness and vulnerability that starts to undermine them, and this works the other way as well, that a problem locally in the teeth and gums can influence distant parts of the body as well. This is a quite complex equation with many nuances and complexities not easy to describe in providing a general schema that could be a useful guide to direct things, which is always the desire of traditional medicine as well as human healers who are working more intuitively but also have a desire to understand what is taking place and how best to intervene. This is not a problem because the best way, always, is to request a divine intervention when there is a health issue and then use the LHP and DSMR to make broad requests for whatever might be needed to reverse an ongoing problem and protect against a worsening.