DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlHe asks: “Should parents set boundaries on expected behaviors and obligations and enforce with consequences when addressing ‘Peter Pan Syndrome?'” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 7 months ago
It is simply a fact of life that, in most cases, parental authority figures are in the best position to influence their young directly, in a way no outside institution or cultural figure could do, as an outside example that might be inspiring and encourage being followed. Parents are on the scene and mostly caring deeply about their children and want them to have a better life. So they are in the best position to deliver that wake-up call and a tutorial on the demands of life and the critical importance of self-determination, initiative, wherewithal development, and stick-to-itiveness. We are not saying that is the ultimate answer because for many it will be ineffective. We do not rule anything out. It is worth trying any and all approaches available because it will vary depending on the individual young person, what they might respond to, and how quickly. Time is always fleeting and the quicker gains are made, the quicker things will improve and begin to compound in a way favoring progress.