DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlHe asks: “I have recently been receiving several intermittent phone calls from an unknown source, sometimes almost 10 a day, with different numbers. When I pick up, there’s no one on the other side. If I don’t pick up, a silent voicemail is left, except one time when someone left a message with just their name (“Philip” or “Felipe”). I do not know anyone by that name. Who was this person?”
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
This is simply low-level harassment designed to disturb you and be a reminder they can reach you, and this is an augmentation of some subliminal programming they have carried out in the deep subconscious to make clear they are watching you and have your number, literally, and can reach out to cause harm. They want you to be afraid. They want you to live in fear and push you into extremes of emotional distress that will wear you down and wear you out. This is a very common petty cruelty they indulge in with many, many, targeted individuals, simply to keep them off balance and keep them guessing about what might be going on, so they will be waiting for the shoe to drop, so to speak, and their own fear will be a continuing attack. So the victim will be doing the work of the perpetrator for no additional effort on their part. This is not dangerous but can be ignored as simply the evil ones showing themselves. If you stand strong, you will be unscathed and can simply ignore this as routine mischief with no real power to undermine you.