DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlHe asks: “Are they even aware of a soul’s mission to serve humanity, or do they determine who is a threat at birth by looking at their past deeds in the akashic records, and just calculating who has thwarted their own plans in the past (i.e. what looks like a humanitarian to us, just looks like a saboteur to their depraved eyes)? How do they exactly determine who is a big threat to them and so gets treated as a Targeted Individual?”
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
Indeed, you have put your finger on the solution to this mystery. We discussed this before and it has been mentioned in channelings of light beings that have been done by your channel, talking on their behalf. The interlopers can, indeed, see the akashic records of those incarnating and so will know the past history and the legacy contributed by past outings as a physical human. And this serves them greatly, because they can see who was successful in their most recent life in benefiting humanity in some way, especially with an eye towards identifying those who take them on more directly and create a fly in the ointment that thwarts their dark plans. They will seek vengeance and want to induce suffering of all humans who have outsmarted them and outmaneuvered them in some way, so those achievements become a liability on returning to a life in the physical. The gains made in soul growth and accomplishment for the divine will count against them in the eyes of the interlopers and may trigger a backlash, turning it into more of a penalty than a blessing, but that is in the short term. In the larger scheme of things, any contributions made on behalf of others, as well as the self, will be on record for all of time as a blessing, and will enable much karmic benefit to come your way regardless of any near-term suffering at the hands of the interlopers. They will be the losers in the end.