Here again, you are seeing the outlines of an ultimate victory and have a natural bias to champion your own cause, especially because it is a just cause and in alignment with the divine. But dealing with the darkness is never straightforward, there are always potential complications and often quite difficult challenges given the nature of the free will zone itself in all that it allows, at least in the near-term, because of the delay in karmic consequence returning to mete out a kind of justice. You already enjoy, however, a tremendous backlog of favorable karma with respect to the balance of power between humanity and the Extraterrestrial Alliance, so we can tell you that karma will definitely be on your side of things, but this energy cannot be brought to bear all at once, and that is why there must be a measured series of steps taken to build to the tipping point needed to encourage the interlopers to stand down without inviting too drastic a backlash.
Your future destiny awaits you and is already launched in a future extension. In effect, this plan is already underway because the extraterrestrials see that eventuality and this is why they are wanting to move towards annihilation, it is their first choice in wrapping things up and moving away from the difficulties that come for them, from dealing with humanity. So, in effect, what is needed here is not a tightening of the noose for them, but enough sustained pressure and interference with their plans to make the current strategy for carrying out the annihilation come to be seen as not worth implementing after all. So it will require striking a balance in the application of resistance to guide them to the exit in a way that benefits all.
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