DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceHe also asks: “How is humility best cultivated? And how can we help nurture it in our young people, especially?”
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
We would recommend you focus on the teachings of GetWisdom described within the Ten Divine Principles for Living because there is much about achieving a balance within, with respect to raising up the self as a very important and necessary component in service to one’s soul. But to do so without harm to others, and always when raising up others through acts of loving kindness, for example; to not do so to a fault, to a level that will harm the self unduly. There may, in fact, be some sacrifice required in order to give to others, but that is again a matter of balance that can be sorted out effectively, and then chosen with care, and with a full understanding and acceptance that it is far better sometimes to help others in need and lose something of value, because that is often trading something of material value for a greater gain in becoming more in divine alignment and serving the soul in a higher and deeper way.