DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Genetic ManipulationsHave some species been turned into predators through genetic modification by the Extraterrestrial Alliance?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago

This is very much the case. There have been many examples of heightened ferocity instilled through genetic manipulation. Keep in mind, that the extraterrestrials are master geneticists who have achieved many wonders through a thorough understanding of DNA and its expression, solving the problem of aging, for example, being able to regenerate organs, and heal much more rapidly than is the case with human. Being able to deconstruct human genetics and repurpose many genes in the construction of a hybrid robotic being with many human characteristics, shows the reach they have in understanding how to alter things genetically for a given purpose. In the same way they can identify and exploit positive characteristics, they can identify and exploit negative ones, as well. And they have done this time and again, to worsen the characteristics and behaviors of native earth species, to make them more troublesome, and less of value as species cohabiting with humans. This too, is a good illustration of the depravity of their thinking—to lower something by manipulating its very genetics, to cheapen it, to worsen it, to degrade it and to cause harm to other beings in the biosphere, is an example of environmental destruction that is depraved.