DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyGoogle provides this as a definition of gaslighting: “Gaslighting is a type of psychological abuse that involves manipulating someone into questioning their own reality, memories, or sanity. The goal of gaslighting is to gain power and control over the victim, and it can be very effective.” Gaslighting is often done over a long period of time, so the victim may not realize they are being manipulated. Gaslighters may lie about everything, not just big things that could be covered up. Gaslighters may deny things that happened or promises they made. Gaslighters may question the victim’s memory of events, even if the victim remembers them accurately. It seems as if there is a unified strategy on the part of the interlopers, the Extraterrestrial Alliance. Is that what’s REALLY going on, the absolute historic GASLIGHTING of humanity? What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 3 months ago
We can tell you this is very much the case, that the idea of a gaslighting, a manipulation that calls into question facts in evidence or in memory, a kind of denial of reality, is not only abnormal but diagnostic of the fundamental source of the problem here. The world is being run from behind the scenes by psychopaths, true psychopaths, nonhuman species that are inhuman, not because they are a different race being the problem but because they are much more disconnected from the divine realm than human beings, and that has cost them of their humanity, their humanlike qualities that most people have to some degree still in their makeup—a desire to be loved and to love others in return, feelings of compassion for those in distress or who are disadvantaged, an altruistic desire to see good things come about and people find a reward in their lives in a communal sharing of responsibilities contributed for the good of all rather than a selfish perspective that keeps people self-focused, almost entirely, unless forced to do something for others as an obligation, perhaps reinforced with an inevitable series of punishments for noncompliance. That is the way the aliens run their worlds; they are all about power and control in a fiercely competitive hierarchy that rewards the dominant and ruthless and punishes those weaker by being less ruthless and savage. It is no wonder that when people are subjected to relentless mind control manipulation, through all the screens they stare at hour after hour, receiving a bombardment of subliminal programming, that much of it is designed to subvert and corrupt their thinking, their perspectives and beliefs, and stir up negative feelings. The consequence of this undermining of human individuality, in taking them away from divine alignment, is a cheapening of the culture through individual decline and increasing dysfunction through greater perversity, selfishness, and even predatory behavior. The end result is the natural incentive of competition becomes an invitation to backstabbing and Machiavellian manipulations to unfairly gain an advantage followed by a manipulation, betrayals, and an engineered failure of the victim so the world is an ongoing gladiator contest, individually and collectively, in groups where there is a kind of cynical ruthlessness and exploitation to gain an advantage in unfair ways through misrepresentation and propaganda and misleading others, and perhaps carry out direct sabotage of their efforts. So all of human endeavor is reduced to a binary outcome of winners and losers. There is no greater weapon than to undermine the opposition to lose confidence, faith in themselves, to blame and shame them into defeat. When done in a clever way by someone who becomes ruthless and savage and willing to lie, even telling others it is they who are liars and up to no good, turns the world on its head. It rewards the ruthless while punishing many simply through the increased stress of life such a world creates.