DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersGiven their profound psychic abilities, how do the Arcturian, Anunnaki, and Reptilian extraterrestrials not see their spirit meddler corruption?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This is a very penetrating and insightful question and would seem irreconcilable. It is implausible to imagine that a telepathic being would not be able to tell if there were another consciousness within their own energies. Yet we assure you this is the case, in the same way that humans do not tune into the spirit voices that represent the consciousness of their intruders. The extraterrestrials are using other wavelengths in their interconnections, and for them, it is so automatic they take it for granted. So the best analogy is that humans communicate through vocal speech. Other beings and consciousness can perceive it if they can tune into those frequencies. Otherwise, they will be oblivious. In the same way, a telepathic channel that is inborn and robust and automatic and taken for granted is not viewed as a special power one could use to probe all manner of things. But similar to being able to make vocal sounds and then shaping them into language, you do not use your voice to call across the oceans. In the same way, the extraterrestrials do not use their telepathy to probe for spiritual beings, even in the lower astral plane. This is a special function they have devised to communicate with the spirits of their own species. That is a different thing when an Anunnaki is talking to an Anunnaki spirit. It is using its native telepathic ability which the Anunnaki spirit still harbors. Once in spirit form, they have an easier time communicating with the spirit meddlers but it is outward-directed, always, and not inner-directed because they are using their consciousness in a very routine way and not in a broad way through a kind of intuitive process. When humans use their intuitive skills they are tuning into a communication mechanism separate from the normal one. What we are saying is the extraterrestrials, the Reptilians, the Arcturians, and the Anunnaki, are using their telepathic ability in a quite ordinary way and not an intuitive way that enables them to reach other forms of consciousness and engage with them readily, as a human intuitive can do through their gateway. This is part of the mechanism of the divine human and not the physical extraterrestrial interlopers. So there are distinguishing characteristics and limitations across the board. The ability of the ETs to interact with dark spirits is done through a kind of indirect broadcasting of information. If the spirits perceive it and respond, then they can act accordingly. So it is something the extraterrestrials have learned to do, to send them instructions and get them to behave, much in the way you would train a dog to do tricks, but without knowing what the dog experiences nor what it is thinking. So it is a more limited reach than you might think. It serves them and is helpful to them but they do not have the higher power of the divine human, despite their intellect.