DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersGiven that the extraterrestrials can time travel, is the current backlash because of what they have seen in the future about the light triumphing? If so, how can we ever outsmart them, as they will always see it coming and mount countermeasures to block or hinder even divine plans?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This perception is quite accurate and this, in fact, is the reason for the current backlash. It is because they have seen the future consequence of the Shift in Consciousness and do not like what they see and have been quite busy looking for solutions to undo the events on the path to human ascension. And this has been a great burden for them because of the magnitude of all that is ongoing. This is the reason for the huge human population at the current time. It provides too many humans to manage easily, and although most are asleep and under the grip of the Extraterrestrial Alliance mind control on a percentage basis, this gives enough people to maintain an ongoing counterforce that is making strides. This needs to grow, and the more healing work done by those escaping the grip of the Extraterrestrial Alliance, the quicker and more powerfully will grow the numbers of people who can be re-awakened to join meaningfully in the cause. This back and forth inspection is allowing them to undo some of the workings but not all. And that is because the very energies used for them to unravel the Shift in Consciousness are influenced in turn by the Shift itself, and this will introduce inefficiency and be a further difficulty for them to simply reverse things, as the very tools to reverse them will be undermined through the effects of divine love changing the energies they can bring to bear and their inner resolve. And so this is being accomplished through a variety of strategies, and the main factor here is the desire by the extraterrestrials themselves to disengage from this project and this helps shift the energies and keep them from a do or die act of devastating force. The cost for them would be higher than they care to risk. So it is much like human combat, where a change in desire of one of the combatants seeing the war no longer serving them and being worth the cost, will begin to lose their advantage and their effects will become weaker because the resolve has weakened. The fighting will decrease in both intensity and effectiveness, and this will further embolden the opponent who will see they are gaining ground and their resolve may intensify accordingly. This momentum shift will be hard to reverse and this is what is happening with the Extraterrestrial Alliance at the present time. This is not to say they cannot mount a campaign of desperation and cause much chaos with disastrous consequences. It is within their technological capability. It is only that it will further lengthen their need to be involved here in ways they find onerous that keeps this from happening, but that could change. There needs to be human participation to strengthen the resolve of human to stand strong and resist the manipulation. This will be a further signal to them of the futility in striking an easy balance to wield power sufficient to keep things in check on the human side without too large a cost to them. This is the card human can play and how they do this will depend on their outreach to divine realm to provide the inner strength needed.