DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersGiven such a large number of chronic maladies, including the two leading causes of death, are caused by chronic viral infection, does this help explain why your creation of humanity and the Earth as a “loving nest” is so often a challenge or even a disappointment because so many suffer?
Nicola Staff asked 7 months ago
This is an insightful question, indeed, because we have been accused or questioned by skeptics all through human history because the tremendous and widespread suffering from illnesses of all kinds seems to be at odds with the professed loving nature of the divine. Rather, it has often supported a distorted view of us as judgmental and punitive because for millennia, illnesses were viewed as an act of God seeking retribution as a punishment for human weakness and failings, when such is not the case at all. We created humanity out of love for all of creation, knowing that human beings were particularly designed to be a useful addition to life forms and, in fact, would become saviors of all in your galaxy and widen the possibilities for greater independence and power of soul-based beings throughout the universe, as long as you found a way to reckon with the rise of evil. And that was your charter, to be change agents through healing of evildoers everywhere, and in the process, better define what is needed to stay in divine alignment and what steps need to be taken to monitor and take action to bring things back into alignment quickly. Those solutions have been lacking all through human history and this is why things have gotten so off-kilter, causing much loss of faith, pessimism, and defeatism, none of which have helped but only further hindered your progress. This is because they become your karmic legacy if you succumb to doubt and fear. It is difficult to stay in divine alignment when you are suffering and God seems unreachable, and despite even fervent prayer you are not saved in time but go under and suffer an early demise. That has happened to so many throughout the ages, none of which is our doing but the legacy of the interlopers who have contaminated your galaxy as predators, wreaking havoc again and again in countless ways. A main tool of their evil was the creation of super pathogens of all kinds to unleash in your world, causing epidemics and pandemics as well. Some of the most damaging and insidious are the chronic viruses that smolder and erode well-being during the course of a lifetime, but cause people to end up with chronic maladies that are life-limiting through mobility restriction, painful symptoms, and early death. So the blame needs to be assigned to where it belongs and humanity awakened to the reality it is part of their charter to recognize the origin of these scourges and pursue effective means to heal all that has gone wrong. That is now well underway with the advances of GetWisdom in unraveling the mysteries, in many cases, needed to better define the challenge and reason for so many sources of suffering that make life uneven and a disappointment for many, even only as witness to the plight of loved ones if not suffering personally. This realization points to the possibility of a glorious future once these scourges are reined in and lose their hold over humanity. You can break out and be stronger and healthier than ever before and that will go a long way to supporting future progress with Ascension and beyond.