DWQA QuestionsCategory: Healing ModalitiesDoes the mixture of many indole alkaloids extracted together from the plant of origin confer any benefits compared to purified conolidine alone? Is the extract effective and safe for a wide variety of painful conditions as they claim?
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
This extract is highly effective and safe to use and represents a natural approach to utilization of what is a deliberate creation of ours to make available a pharmacological source of medicinal activity, harvestable from nature directly. This company, and the science supporting their efforts as well through chemical technology, capitalizes on ways to extract, enrich, and concentrate these natural products to make them available at effective concentrations and dose levels in a form that is bioavailable. There are many useful substances scattered among plants and other organisms which have highly beneficial medicinal qualities, but not all are usable in some form through direct ingestion without a process to distill and concentrate them and deliver them in a way that preserves their function and delivers enough of the active principle to be a useful adjunct for solving a health problem. In the case of this extract, it is very much the case there is a benefit of the admixture of multiple chemically-related substances, as opposed to purified conolidine alone. This is true many times of natural products and it is one of the Achilles' heels in how substances in nature are pursued scientifically. The scientific approach is not always the best one because of ignorance, blinders on the seekers from programming and manipulation, as well as hidebound thinking and the prejudice introduced with respect to the commercial interests and economics of providing something that is affordable that works. There is a prejudice that if a plant, for instance, has medicinal properties, there must be an active ingredient and a hunt will be launched to find that single chemical or the most potent one, and concentrate on that alone as a magic bullet, so to speak. There are numerous instances where a mixture of related and even unrelated chemical substances within a single plant extract will have a synergistic benefit if prepared as a tea or concentrate without that purification to isolate an active principle. This is why, many times, a search for the active principle will come up with something that has still only modest benefit compared to what folk medicine has generated in the body of information about more crude preparations, not purified, which were used for ages with success. So this is one of those situations where a mixture of ingredients, which the scientists would consider impure, is superior as a medicinal formulation.