DWQA QuestionsCategory: Healing ModalitiesDoes the energetic healing method of [name withheld] truly restore missing DNA strands?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This is a yearned-for hope of many healers because there is intuitive awareness the corruption has occurred, and this represents a true deficit within current physical humans. It cannot be summoned from the sky, and this is because the humans lack detailed knowledge about what is needed and why. So it is coming as a very superficial request, much like one wants to be smarter, or be a giant, or have physical prowess, or greater longevity. It is a definable end result, but with no awareness or insight about the intermediate steps involved that would be required to bring their end result to fruition. So it is much like knowing there is something abnormal going on in the body and simply asking for a divine healing, in the absence of any understanding the ability of divine realm to respond, and set things right, is severely hampered because we must follow the human lead, and if the human is groping in the dark, there is a limited amount of light we can bestow. So this is true of the [name withheld] method itself to the extent it is an open-ended, general, broad request. It is an ill-defined and therefore limited basis for divine action. So the idea of requesting DNA restitution is not faulty, the need is there, the need is real, it is just that it is not practical at the moment to expect this to happen through a simple outreach, and simple request, because it is too involved and intricate, and deeply complex, to summon forth in this fashion. The contrast between the expectation of DNA restitution and the use of the Lightworker Healing Protocol is that the Protocol seeks to restore what was there before, in terms of a human potential coming into the current life and seeing its highest expression, within these local conditions. So while the Protocol may well accomplish that, which would be a blessing for most people who have suffering of some kind, or who have limitations, whether realized, or nonetheless present but not appreciated, because of the limitations of self-awareness. The successful execution of the Protocol will not restore a person to a lifetime of 600 or 700 years, and that is because there are still missing aspects, and in terms of detailed specificity about genomic alteration. This is true of the [name withheld] healing as well. So that would be the best way we can compare and contrast. If you wish to do the same with the Lightworker Healing Protocol, to completely restore the DNA complement as originally constructed and imparted to the divine human, the request would fail at this time because it cannot be requested in the appropriate way, within existing guidelines. This will come over time, and with much growth and learning, but you are simply not there yet, nor is [name withheld].