DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionDoes Creator have an ego?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
By definition, this is so, being the part of us that is in charge of things, wants to prevail at times, and will be proactive in seeking a better outcome for something going on in the universe when we feel compelled to step in and right a wrong or rework something to better advantage so it truly becomes more an advantage than a liability. Many of the things in creation are developed over time with many reworkings and reiterations of useful ideas. There are permutations to compare and contrast how they perform on their own with a connection to us only at a distance, having largely an autonomous functioning. And so they must be reliable and robust, and effective in having the makeup intended and expressing it in ways that integrate with the needs of other beings and life forms of all kinds within the environment, whether the physical realm or higher vibrational dimensions, as the case might be. You will not see us overreaching or overreacting out of too strong an ego, because we have vaster built-in resources that create a state of balance within us. And that you can depend on, and is evidenced by the reality we take a much longer view than you do in trusting things will work out. So we do not become impatient, we do not surrender to emotional conclusions and possible misunderstandings through reacting emotionally, and not seeing deeper reasons behind the way things are at the moment. So we do not exhibit the many human foibles people have, because of their personal ignorance causing them to often overreact to negativity, become frustrated, and liable to take rash action in a desperate attempt to break out of an unpleasant circumstance they feel trapped within. That cannot happen for us because we know the past and the future as well, and while there are many uncertainties in what will take place, we have the luxury of seeing it unfold in a way we have greater control than you do, and this gives us an ability to change things in ways you cannot. This keeps us from becoming a victim, as so often happens to you as a human being, so we are not competing with the darkness in the way that you are, because we are truly above it and it cannot touch us, but only our creations to some extent. As such, we do not need a weapon like an outsized ego to help us win the day when challenged.