DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialDo the angelics have similar soul profiles? If not, can Creator provide a simple summary of the difference or explanation as to why not?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
The angelics have some similarities but also some differences from humans and other soul-based beings, but overall are more alike than different. The differences are more about the intended roles they are to play, and so the makeup of attributes will have a different kind of distribution. The angelics were created to be helpers and assistants to all the beings and creations in whatever dimension one examines. As such, you outrank them in ultimate capabilities, not as a physical human but as a light being expression of humanity. But as sentient beings, the angelics have great complexity and great wherewithal to carry out many complex maneuvers and handle many heavy responsibilities for the care and assistance of other beings, especially when things go wrong and a divine hand is needed. The common connecting thread of all beings everywhere is that all are a part of our consciousness and thus are imbued with a divine nature. The fact that there has been a rise of evil in your midst is not because we are evil and that is what they are choosing to follow, but it is a consequence of an imbalance of otherwise useful soul attributes and suppression of key capabilities that constitute the ultimate expression of divinity, such as being loving and able to both give and receive love in a balanced way, being the most powerful force of the universe. When love is absent, everything else will suffer because love is the source of goodness and everything else that is positive and of value. Even those things that can get out of hand and used for evil ends, such as aggression, when tempered with love, can turn a being into a powerful champion for love and light. The corruption, through becoming too self-serving, has led to the downfall within the angelics to become spirit meddlers, the so-called "demons" of the Bible, who prey on the living and promote wrongdoing and evil behaviors because that will be what is left when love and its influence is taken away. So the angelics are normally of great service to humanity, and to the extraterrestrial civilizations as well, because they have many soul attributes in common, the ultimate being the capacity for love and, conversely, all beings, whether human, angelic, or extraterrestrial, when corrupted by evil, will suffer from that reduction of divinity and become a threat to others.