DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaDo most people have a backlog of compensatory karma just waiting for a healing intervention to be unleashed? How can Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, and Divine Life Support help stop a negative karmic tailspin and unlock the backlog of compensatory karma?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago

The ultimate challenge of those seeking enlightenment as a way to overcome the human dilemma of so often being challenged by forces of evil, the difficulties of life in your fragile existence as physical humans, ultimately boils down to your ability to heal what ails you, what stands in your way, and what menaces you, actively, that can even kill you. So all of your questions focusing on karmic forces and the karmic events they reckon with point to the fact that you are in a world of purpose and a world of consequence where everything matters because everything is accounted for, put on record for all of time, and set up with an energetic means to enforce certain rules and principles compelling soul-based beings to take responsibility for everything they do or do not do that might be needed or an opportunity for participation.


Heretofore, there has not been a good way to solve the disparity between the human being in your weakened state, profound ignorance of the workings of things, and your unawareness of the extent to which the forces of evil are truly allied against you in having even contaminated your own deepest beliefs and inner thoughts, and sense of self, in drifting away from partnering with the divine, through being in this state of ignorance at the outset, and then so many unfair and unpleasant adverse circumstances working against you that are nondivine representing the worst possible example of how to live. This has all worked against your growth and the maintenance of divine alignment needed to make better choices and make progress with your life, as you grow and mature, to do it in a way that is effective and contributes to strengthening, and healing old wounds as you go. Without that healing, you will never get ahead. You will stay even at best or fall behind. Having the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset puts divine power in your hands, to interact with us as true partners, so that we are invited to take human energy of intention and repurpose it through divine means, on the behalf of those who suffer, to truly begin effective healing for the karmic backlog of adversity that has been created by you and by your tormentors.


Dealing with that mountain of karmic negativity has become a daunting challenge. Most people become overwhelmed and go under without ever getting ahead. Lives are shortened and lives are wasted with distractions and make-work projects that are intended to diminish and demean you and to keep you sidelined. Your overseers, in effect, are running the world like a prison. As inmates, you have an illusion of freedom, in that you can wander about, but the world is a prison yard, and even if you are in a palace, it is simply a fancy cell that contains you and represents your state of containment and limitation. Gaining enlightenment to transcend the physical is a healing journey precisely because of the rise of evil necessitating an enormous rebalancing of all the negativity it has unleashed that stands in your way and has held back the entire galaxy, destroyed many worlds, and has put humanity now in the crosshairs. The question now is, "Can enough of your fellow human beings be informed of this development and persuaded to participate in an awakening and an implementation of divine healing through effective means, at long last, to truly partner with the divine to achieve deep and lasting repair of the karmic carnage of history?" If enough healing takes place, through using the protocols, humanity can be raised up enough to implement the Ascension to a higher plane of existence, but that will not happen unless enough healing is done first, because you are not ready.


It is not enough to know what is possible, even in a great level of detail, as your channel is bringing forth, about what has been done to you, and by whom, and now what is needed to repair the damage and escape the clutches of your overseers. Everything comes down to the need to take action through the application of positive, purposeful intention directed with specificity to define what the divine realm needs to do to save you. Once again, the answer must come from you, through you, and by you to implement the needed steps in the exchange of energy so we have enough human intention created in an informed way, with the specificity of a knowledgeable understanding, and requests for assistance in a detailed way in order to be truly effective in saving the day. You have a window of opportunity once the interlopers leave for a time we see will be commencing soon. If enough healing can be done while they are away, you will be raised up and ascend to leave the physical forever. The healing needs for those remaining, especially the extraterrestrial perpetrators, will be addressed in the future through your energy being repurposed again and again. The very energy that will save you will save them, but it must be generated by you first. It is time to get to work and keep going. We see you can prevail. You can win the day. We are here to help you but, as always, you must be in the lead. Each of you must decide your own fate and together you will decide the fate of everyone and everything.