DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit PossessionDo extraterrestrials install other types of personal portals in people, in addition to those used by alien spirits to assist spirit meddler attachments? If so, what other types and for what purpose are they used?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
There are implants of several different kinds that are inserted in people for high-level monitoring and manipulation, but those are separate types of interventions and not portals in the true sense. They are conveyors of information and energy, but not used to promote movement of entities. When the extraterrestrials wish to impinge upon a person, they do so telepathically and can intrude on whatever level of the mind they choose. There is no need for a portal to do this. So alien portals within the personal energy field are strictly for promoting spirit attachment as a way to degrade the life and happiness of humans.