DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionDo angels have an anatomy? Not a physical one, but an energetic one? Do they have an energetic brain? If they do, can they experience brain damage? Can an angel be murdered? Is being cut off completely from life force energy the only way an angel can perish, or are there others?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is somewhat a slippery slope in wanting to compare the angelic realm with the physical realm inhabited by human beings in physical bodies. Sometimes making an analogy based on what you know is the best way to gain an understanding of things more esoteric and often invisible to the normal senses, but sometimes it imposes too great a restraint on things because the physical realm has its own requirements and characteristics not readily translated when referring to higher vibrational dimensional existence. So we would say that angels have an anatomy, in the broad sense of makeup, but it is energetic, not physical, and of course you are aware, because we have told you, that all physical matter you think of as objects that are quite concrete are truly only energy in a particular form. So this is an arbitrary distinction, to compare humans and angels with human terms alone, because while all is energy, both types of beings are differing manifestations. The brain is simply a physical manifestation of energy that is a transducer of consciousness, meaning that it is the way your consciousness can be experienced within the physical body, and be contemplated with thoughts actively, and this has its greatest utility to help you understand and appreciate, as an observer, the functions of the human body itself and its many ways of sensing the environment to understand where you are in the given moment, why you are there, and have a memory to compare and contrast plans, objectives, and signs of progress. And to make sense of the reality you experience as a physical being in that setting, you need a brain to translate consciousness and make the connections to the other aspects of the physical body needed for fullest expression, being as you are in human form, essentially an intelligent animal species of which all are made of DNA and other constituents quite similar, in fact, in physical attributes. Consciousness cannot be murdered. The reason people die is their body dies because it is fragile and its makeup from the physical matter, so to speak, makes this so. Matter can be disassembled, disrupted, and converted energetically in ways that will end its current functioning as part of a physical organism. That is why you are fragile, as a physical being, because your body is fragile and can only tolerate so much disruption, so much dysfunction before function ceases altogether and you will lose a working brain to bring consciousness into awareness and connect it to the other parts of the nervous system to make sense of things, and then to work the body through purposeful action for movement, and so on. So angels cannot be murdered in the way humans can, but they do require life force energy to keep them going and to fuel their existence, and this is true for human beings as well. So regardless of what vibrational dimension you inhabit, as consciousness emanating from your soul, as an extension, there is a basal energetic component that serves as a kind of fuel, and that originates with us as your Creator. If at any time that life force energy, which is a form of our consciousness, is withdrawn, you will indeed perish at all levels, including your soul, and this is true for angelics as well and will be the eventual fate of the dark angelic spirit meddlers who fell from grace and now act as parasites on other beings and have given rise to evil throughout your galaxy—being no longer supported by us, they are in peril of being essentially recycled into raw energy and lose their identity and unique soul—that will happen to physical beings and their soul if too long a period continues with continued failure, suffering, and degradation. This is the danger you have been put in by the spirit meddlers, as well as the physical extraterrestrials, to whom this happened long before your creation. They will be the next to fall unless you save them as well, but in saving them you save yourselves, so it is a cause of the greatest possible value to you personally, and will be the best way to guarantee your continued future in a positive direction.