DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AbductionsDid I see correctly that my client [name withheld] has another alien implant? If so, why was this done?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This you saw correctly. He has been re-abducted and re-implanted. This is for further mind control manipulation and is serving in following up on the interaction with the lady friend in his life who is being trained to target people and manipulate them. He is being used as the target subject and so must be given some programming from time to time to facilitate the further refinement in technique. So this is the reason. He is not currently a warrior per se, but is recallable and this too is another reason to keep him in prime condition and ready to be activated. This could be done at a moment's notice through time regression if need be. He is still very much in the program.