DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaCritics of the notion of having a genuine destiny would simply point out the apparent randomness of life events. But to say this argument is weak is a massive understatement. What is the interloper position on destiny? Do they reject it entirely and think humans are immensely silly for entertaining the very notion? Don’t the interlopers in saner moments ever recognize that randomness is actually an exceptionally poor explanation for something like the Lions’ abrupt turnaround, even as they continue the targeting against the Lions? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 3 months ago

Here we must go against science fiction and all of the dreams and wishes of those who think about the possibility of one day meeting extraterrestrial beings, and hold that prospect in awe and wonderment about all of the dazzling capabilities and knowledge they could suddenly acquire from such an encounter. The members of the Extraterrestrial Alliance are, indeed, possessed of vast knowledge and experience, and what to you would be a dazzling series of technological achievements representing a prowess humans could only dream of at this stage. But in the final analysis, all of that technology is designed, and constrained at the same time, to work solely on the physical plane in a mechanical, workmanlike, fashion and is not inherently lofty in its meaning.


The beings themselves, these extraterrestrial titans, are not lofty because they are sinister apex predators. They are the biggest bully on the block, so to speak. They are in charge but only because they have bullied their way to the top and sidelined or destroyed their competition again and again. They have nothing to teach you at this point. In fact, they have already taught you far too much through intruding on your world, imposing their beliefs on how you govern, how you construct and organize your society, and comport yourselves individually and collectively. Everything wrong with the world that is thought to be "the limits of humanity" represents a false notion to begin with. Everything wrong with you is there, and faulty in its makeup, because you have been manipulated to be like the extraterrestrials. They have nothing good to teach you. Being functional psychopaths devoid of conscience and unable to love, they are hollow. Just as they impose on human institutions and individuals the imperative to exert power and control over others as a way to get ahead, that is all they know and how they run their worlds, a series of ruthless tyrannies in a hierarchy of savage competition based on fear, loathing, and ego that exalts in holding power and relishing the punishment and suffering of their victims. Does this sound like something you want to know more about, to get pointers on how to do it more ruthlessly, more savagely, more universally, and to ever greater extent? That is your destiny with them as your counsel. This is an object lesson in what is truly at stake when you pick your leader and choose to follow their guidance.