DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionCreator said this in the last radio show: “The way human beings work is that you have multiple and separate levels of the mind, each with resident beliefs and expectations accordingly, and all are connected to the body in a way that will produce emotions in reaction to what is being perceived.” This seems to imply that the ego is a “separate level of mind, … with (its own) beliefs and expectations.” Is that true? If so, can the ego be channeled in the same way the deep subconscious is channeled? Can trauma resolution be used on the ego itself? Can belief replacement be used? And if not, why not?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The ego, indeed, is a separate part of the mind and, as such, can be dealt with directly via channeling to deal with stored trauma within the memory of the ego itself and the wounding endured as a consequence. Healing will be needed to right the wrongs that occurred and help keep the ego safe from distortion and the consequences of damaging trauma. So the fact it can be engaged with via channeling creates the opportunity to perform trauma resolution, as done with other parts of the mind, and this includes as well the ability to do belief replacement work that can be quite powerful and beneficial with divine help to do a replacement of negative limiting beliefs with positive beliefs that represent a kind of antidote and healthy way of seeing the world. The practical limitations of this are mostly not understanding, independently, what level of the mind might be most involved with a particular issue a person is struggling with, but the mind itself will respond to a trauma resolution that is facilitated effectively to point to the relevant memories that are the source of difficulty, and many times the ego will be the repository and will be dealt with accordingly. So the facilitator of the trauma resolution will likely not know what part of the mind exactly is being engaged with normally, but many times in such efforts, work will be done on the ego itself, so you have not been greatly deprived of a major healing opportunity through ignorance of how the mind is constructed and compartmentalized.