DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionCreator said angels do not have a subconscious, and further told us: “They have one integrated way of perceiving things and are able to see a wider array of sources of information; they have a much larger knowledge base. The problem they have is that their beliefs become distorted through time because of conflicts they have with wanting to satisfy desires of the soul that might not be appropriate in the moment.” Is the angel the entirety of its soul or a soul extension, like with human beings? Does an angel experience desires of the soul as something originating outside of their ego, the way a human might, something they have but whose true origin remains a mystery?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Angels are indeed a soul extension, as are humans, so it is that portion of the soul extension that has fallen from grace in the case of the angelic spirit meddlers considered demonic beings in the Scriptures and described as such. The problem with becoming too greatly out of alignment as a soul extension, whether angelic or human or extraterrestrial, is that it will cause wounds to the soul as well. After millions of years of depravity, the whole of the being, soul included, may reach a point of no return. While we are not judgmental but forgiving, our intelligence can show us clearly when things have reached a point of such diminishing returns it is hopeless to continue an ongoing paradigm that is leading only to greater diminishment. That is the risk, over the long-term, all who turn to wrongdoing must realize, and find a way to work against their darker impulses and return to divine alignment through applying healing. This can be requested from the divine. The problem is greatly magnified when beings become so out of alignment they no longer believe in or acknowledge the divine as a resource capable of helping them even to save themselves. That line has been crossed now by the physical extraterrestrials long ago, and that is why things have become so awful throughout your galaxy, being preyed upon by these darkened beings who are functional psychopaths only interested in their own power and control of others who they delight in tormenting or destroying outright. This, indeed, all came about through getting out of balance in needing to stay in alignment when under forms of stress or temptations to indulge the self and the ego too greatly, and resulted in a karmic backlash to drag them further out of alignment and, once on that slippery slope, found it harder and harder to regain high ground and restore themselves, only to become more and more dark in their intentions and purpose by entering a downward spiral leading to depravity. That is why the dark beings need you as a rescuer. This will provide a healing launched by the physical realm they inhabit and will provide a proof it is possible for physical beings to overcome adversity, stay in divine alignment, and win the day even when gravely threatened by a mammoth departure and distortion giving rise to evil on a massive scale. It will, indeed, be a grand achievement if you can bring this about to save the day.