DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaCreator recently channeled that the greatest karmic rewards come to those who take on the greatest challenges. You wouldn’t think that playing football for the Detroit Lions would amount to much of a karmic challenge, but since we have learned that they have been a targeted group since 1958, and Detroit is a targeted city due to Detroit’s prominent role in helping the Allies win World War II, it turns out that anyone playing for and coaching for the Detroit Lions was putting themselves squarely in harm’s way. Detroit developed a pernicious and persistent losing culture. Like many karmic dilemmas, it seemed the situation just got worse with time. Negative karma has a tendency to compound, to spiral downward, and eventually reach a point where the entity trapped in the dilemma is no longer in a position to save themselves. Was this truly the situation with the Lions organization prior to a campaign being launched to heal them using the Lightworker Healing Protocol? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 3 months ago

The quandary of this sports team is very illustrative of the dilemma faced by humanity as a whole and for many individuals, particularly those coming under the thumb of the Extraterrestrial Alliance who truly control the world behind the scenes. They have been present throughout human history in varying degrees of visibility; at first, out in the open as "gods from the sky" confronting a naïve, primitive human society and wowing them with their powers and knowledge. They have since gone behind the scenes because humans are so unruly and volatile it is safer to manipulate them surreptitiously, and also an extra challenge to do so remotely. These beings are functional psychopaths, having become devoid of spirituality millions of years ago now. That is the price one pays for drifting away from an awareness of the divine, it will be an inevitable lowering, a cheapening of inner wherewithal and perspectives. The physical, being a highly demanding environment, presents a constant challenge to faith because it is an unnatural world with respect to divinity which is timeless and omnipresent and not bound by physical energy and its laws, directly. With the extraterrestrials being in charge of things, anyone who draws their ire is at higher risk than usual of being manipulated or tormented in some way. This sports team of the Detroit Lions has a long history of being pummeled, sidelined, overwhelmed, humiliated, and left in the dust season after season after season, as a kind of whipping boy for the interlopers who love making people suffer, and enjoy it no more than when they can do so to someone against whom they are holding a grudge, because of perceived insults and antagonism, particularly in thwarting their own evil designs to control things and make people suffer.


Humanity was created to solve the rise of evil in your galaxy as a kind of test of the waters with respect to having greater free agency and free will. That is the bold experiment of ours underway, to create a vast expansion of possibilities for all the soul-based beings we have created. We have wanted to give you greater autonomy as a kind of reward and encouragement, both. This is a win-win for all, no less for us, in having a wider reach and wider scope from things done, in effect, separately from us although always as an extension of our energy. After all, humans as well as the extraterrestrials are extensions of our consciousness as is everything in the physical plane. Because this is an honest test and proof of concept, we follow our own rules of engagement quite closely to not interfere. Both sides, the human and the interlopers, have free agency and free will to do as they choose. The Law of Karma governs all, but slowly, and that is part of the setup, that this Great Leveler, energetically, is delayed for your galaxy in bringing about a consequence for wrongdoing. This creates greater latitude and a seeming freeing of constraints to open the door to unfettered free will choice in how to be, how to proceed, and determine your own fate and destiny. Because this is a test, things can be imperfect and even go wrong at times. Everything has a cure but not everything can be undone because this is quite real, it is not pretend, it is not a temporary test run that can be simply recalled and relaunched if desired. Everything that happens is for keeps, so to speak. There is nothing to fear greatly, given you are immortal, and even if you have a life of seeming failure, it is not the end for you as there will be many future opportunities for all kinds of endeavors.


Most humans have had many repeat lifetimes in the physical as human beings, one of many choices available to you as light beings. We created humanity to be the most recent attempt in having a pushback working on behalf of the divine, and humanity is both controlled and hated by extraterrestrials. You are younger souls and your short lifespan means you will be more recently from the light, and this works in your favor going up against evil. What has been needed all along was an answer not only for your mission and its purpose but how to even address corruption of the human and its capabilities at the hands of the oppressors who modified humanity genetically to dim you down, dumb you down, and maintain a constant barrage of surreptitious subconscious programming through mind control. Your channel is bringing forth new divine wisdom containing the ultimate answer in the form of healing protocols. That is the only way this problem can be surmounted because you need partnership with the divine, and not just a willingness and a desire to reach out to us but to do so with enough wherewithal in terms of deep understanding and faith in us, a knowledge of how the divine realm heals, what is wrong in your world that needs fixing, and how to make cogent, high-level, informed requests for divine assistance that are actionable by us and not just vague whimperings and pleas for attention and relief from suffering. We are always sympathetic, but it is not our job to rush in and change and fix everything because that is your job to do. For us to do it would cut you out of the loop, and that would seal your fate in terms of completing your divine mission, so we must stay in the background and be subtle in our actions.


Once this sports franchise became a target of the interlopers, each new perturbation, degradation, reduction in efficiency and level of performance, and the suffering involved, added a growing karmic burden felt by all who joined the enterprise over the years. Your use of the protocols to work on this team to heal its particular karmic dilemma, is stepping into a historical legacy of great difficulty and a burden hard to overcome, which has held back generations of would-be football champions giving their all but against enormous and growing headwinds. This healing endeavor has lightened that karmic load enough, through a strengthening as well of the participants, that they can hold their own more than ever before, and more often than not, prevail on the field against their opponents despite the fact the dice are loaded in the favor of the interlopers more strongly backing their opponents, and many times actively intruding in games in progress to perturb things, cause injuries, misdirect players through distraction or an inculcated state of confusion so players make mistakes, fumble the ball, are unable to complete passes, whether the thrower or the receiver is being targeted. There are many opportunities for mischief. The only saving grace here is that such manipulations are part of an ongoing contest as some extraterrestrials will take one side and others will take the other team to support, and they will use humans, much as chess pieces on a board, but will not follow human rules and they engage in underhanded manipulations of all kinds. The turnaround of this sports franchise is a testament to divine-human partnership, in the highest sense, and makes a good test case for what can be done by those with faith whose hearts are in the right place and are using these high-level tools to right the wrongs of history, whether for an individual or a group, and change things for the better.