DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaCreator is concerned with the spiritual growth of the individual (and even species) but karma looks geared to not be at all concerned with that agenda. Rather, it simply responds to energy perturbations in a literal tit-for-tat fashion. Karma is not concerned either, about a mission life underway; and if there is an opportunity to introduce a karmic response, it will simply do so in a kind of mechanical, automatic way. Does any cancellation or attenuation necessitate a divine intervention? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
What you are describing is the status quo in how things operate. It can only be this way given that what you are discussing is a functional energetic regulatory mechanism designed to be consistent, perfunctory, and largely automatic through a self-balancing and regulation built into its very functioning. The Law of Karma is designed to be The Great Leveler, to bring the universe back into balance whenever there is an energetic discord. It is much like the thermostat controlling a furnace so the level of hot and cold in the environment can be brought into a comfortable balance. So the analogy would be, to override a cold spell one can appeal to us, as a higher authority, to turn up the heat for a time and compensate for something out of balance that you cannot take care of on your own. The reality, of course, is there is much you are unable to control or influence directly, given you are confronted with a huge level of darkness with malevolent intent that has you in the crosshairs, intent on your annihilation, in fact. That is a lot to manage and overcome. You will, indeed, need divine help. So it is best to get used to the idea you need a partner in life with capabilities beyond yours. The more you involve us in your day-to-day affairs and practice inviting us to take part, and being aware of your higher level needs and how to go about enlisting our assistance, the better off you will be, the more effective your lives will become, and the brighter your future that will be created. Humans, for far too long, have thought of us as distant, uninvolved, disengaged, and perhaps uncaring so that a divine intervention would be a true large-scale miracle, and perhaps a long shot quite unlikely to happen. That is exactly the wrong way to view things and that view only exists because you have been manipulated to be disempowered, to doubt our existence, assume you are on your own, largely, and might only think of us in a dire emergency as a last resort and a faint hope. That is a prescription for failure. Living in the highest and best way would strive to do the opposite, keep us in your day‑to‑day thoughts, and involved directly, by invitation, in everything you take on. It is through building such muscles to communicate and partner with us directly that you will have the inner wherewithal to turn to us when times are truly tough and have the confidence to invoke a divine intervention capable of saving the day. That is where things are heading; it is time to get ready; you will need to practice for what is coming to make things work out.